Rise and Shine

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Jesse's POV:

I woke up early this morning so that I could get ready quickly, and leave enough time for

my sister to get ready without me in the room. I quickly ran a comb through my brown

hair, and put on a white shirt with red suspenders. Then, I grabbed a pair of jeans and a

belt to wear with it. The only thing that I needed now was some breakfast, so I went

downstairs to grab a bowl of cereal. Now that I was done with everything, I decided that I

should wake my sister, Jess, up. "Rise and Shine sleepyhead!" I called to her, hearing her


Jess's POV:

"Rise and Shine sleepyhead!" I heard a voice call to me. Still half asleep, I groaned and

rolled over. "C'mon it's the first day of high school!" the voice called again. I immediately

sat straight up, and turned towards the voice, and found that the voice came from a

figure with messy brown hair, a white flannel, red suspenders, and emerald green eyes. It
was my twin brother, Jesse. "Wow, first day already?" I asked, "it feels like summer lasted

a month." I was quite excited for high school, even though I didn't have many friends

there. "Yeah its the first day, so GET UP!" Jesse practically yelled at me. Man, I didn't

understand my brother sometimes. "I kinda need you to leave considering I need to get

dressed first!" I replied to him. He immediately walked out, leaving me some privacy. I

threw on my red t-shirt with some pale blue overalls. I combed my long, black hair so that
it was even on both sides, and parted the one side over with a golden clip. I decided that

nothing would get in my way today. Not even the school bullies, the Ocelots.

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