Ch 6: night terrors of team 7 pt 2 pt2 -Sasuke

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Itachi frowned at the scene in front of him. This was most disturbing. Everything around him looked so vivid. Sasuke was chained to a chair in anbu interrogation. The two council members stood in front of him. Danzo stood watching from above smiling seemingly pleased with himself. Sasuke was panting and his body was covered in a mixture of sweat and blood.

"What did Orochimaru tell you of his plans boy?" Homora asked a dangerous glint in his glasses.

"I-I don't Know! N-nothing! I'm the victim here!" Sasuke protested. Koharu glared mercilessly at Sasuke. She forcefully jabbed her folded up fan into Sasuke's gut causing him to cough up blood. Some of the blood dripped onto her hand so she back handed Sasuke in the face.

"You are a traitor! Same as the rest of your despicable clan. You were going to run off with him weren't you? Help him destroy the village in retribution of your clans demise?"

"What? No! I don't want anything to do with that mentally scarring fucker!" Sasuke protested.

"Your pitiful. Lying to us will not get you out of this! You are in serious trouble!" Hamoro snapped

"How many times do i have to tell you? Orochimaru RAPED me and I'M the one that gets LOCKED UP? Do you even know how fucked up you people are!?" Sasuke snapped.

Itachi stopped breathing. He momentarily forgot how to breathe. Orochimaru had....oh God Sasuke....tears welled in Itachi's eyes. How could he have left his little brother so defenseless? How could he leave him all alone? Why hadn't he just killed Orochimaru that day? He had promised his parents he would protect him! Whatever was left of Itachi's heart shattered as Sasuke's earlier shouts flowed to the surface of his mind. "Get off me" he had stated. And who knows what else he had been muttering.

"You were probably begging for it" Danzo chuckled as he took hold of this so called terrogation. Sasuke didn't say a word he simply glared at Danzo. "He probably had you grovel at his feet as he shoved well-why should i say things that you already know?" Danzo chuckled. (I almost threw up writing this....)

"Maybe an s class nuke nin wouldn't have been able to get in the village if you hadn't ordered the massacre of it's entire security force!" Sasuke spat.

"You crafty brat. You've discovered the truth haven't you? Orochimaru really needs to keep his mouth shut from now on" Danzo said beginning to unwrap the wrappings around his head. Shisui's sharingan eye revealed.

"Where-how did..." Sasuke trailed as he somehow grew even paler than before.

"Now i'll have my fun with you" he said. Sasuke didn't have time to look away as he was caught in a horrific genjutsu. 30 secinds for danzo passed but who knows how long for Sasuke. When he was finally released the young uchiha said.

"Your the monster..your the pathetic one between the two of had to depend on an uchiha to do your dirty work. Your just as bad as Orochimaru shady dirtbag" Sasuke hissed with a glare.

The door sprang open suddenly and Kakashi burst into the room punched danzo in the face knocking him out effectively before undoing Sasuke's chains and lifting the boy up.

"Prison break? How uchiha of you" Sasuke chuckled.

"Had to find you first" Kakashi corrected.

"Your safe now" Kakashi muttered as the image swirled.

"Your wrong" Sasuke had muttered softly.

Sasuke watched as the season's changed. Itachi nearly choke on air as the next scene came into play. Sasuke and Naruto were both crouched down in Sasuke's room. Both were covering their heads as glass shattered above them. Rocks were being thrown at them. One hit Naruto and the other hit Sasuke. Everything was being smashed to pieces by the flying projectiles.

"We have to get out of here!" Naruto hissed at him.

"No shit!" Sasuke replied.

"No Sasuke i meant maybe we should leave konoha all together!" Naruto yelled.

"What? But what happened to you becoming hokage? It's your dream!" Sasuke protested.

"I can't do it Sasuke. We both know we aren't gonna last if we stay! Everyone is out to get us and the pedo can basically come and go as he pleases!" Naruto pointed out.

"Alright fine but we have to fake our deaths! If we do they won't follow us!" Sasuke said.

"Okay!" Naruto instantly agreed.

With one very well placed fireball Sasuke sent the entire compound up in flames. He snagged a picture of the mantle before he and Naruto snuck out the back and simply ran for it. Itachi had decided he'd seen enough. He jumped in front of the running Sasuke who froze. Ge crouched in front of him and poked his forehead. "Wake up baby brother we need to talk" Itachi stated and poked Sasuke in the forehead shattering his dream. The young Uchiha awaking with a scream.

Sasuke panted his charcoal eyes wide. He locked eyes with Itachi who was staring worriedly at him. Sasuke merely looked away from Itachi. His brother had seen everything. Sasuke knew it. But never one to miss an opportunity Sasuke lunged at his brother and Itachi simply hugged him. He rocked him slightly like he used to whenever Sasuke had a nightmare as a child.

"It's okay Sasuke it was just a nightmare" Itachi cooed.

Sasuke sniffled and grabbed his brother tighter bury his face in his chest. "That's the thing wasn't"

I cried so hard while writing this! What have i done to my poor Sasuke! Also there will be no itasasu in this story! Or Sasunaru! Incest is gross to me. Especially when it's with Sasuke and Itachi. Also now i want to kill the leaf! Should i do a part three? Or simply go to naruto now? Your choice! Today is my last day of finals so after one hour i'm free!! I love you all! Don't forget to comment!

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