The Love In The Air! <3 </3 <3 Chapter 2

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Fani *P.O.V*

I stated stuffing all my snacks into my backpack and grabbed one box of twinkies and Gina did the same.

We got out the car and locked it then walked in the school.Everyone kept sayin Hi to us. We got hi's left from right, As i made my way to my locker while eating a Twinkie.

I accedently bumped into this short girl but kinda tall as me.

"Hey watch out where the fuck your goin bitch

I had my eyes open wide with anger and my twinkie in my mouth.

Well bitch you shouldnt be in my way now get the fuck on you ion want none, real talk. She must be a new girl because i havent seen her around.

I started hearing ooo's and Ahhha's and people started to form like roaches around us.

She looked at me in disgust  as i scrafed down my twinkie.

What bitch keep it movin then she pushed me and said Fuck you!

I stumbled to the ground and got up. Look bitch you den went to far and i pulled her by her hair and started punchin her in her face. she was getin me good in my face then i tripped over her foot and we fell to the ground. people around us started yelling and recordin the fight. i "

"WHY THE FUCK SMACK WOULD YOU SMACK PUSH ME  SMACK BITCH !  i kept poundin her face in and then the fat ass security fucking guards just had to come and grab me off of her. Shit Now Fuck wit me You know I got it bitch and i kicked her as she was letting go of my hair and the people pulling us off of each other.

Let me the fuck go she bouta get smacked the girl said as she kept trying to get out of their hands kicking and cryin with blood coming from her nose.

You still aint get ebough bitch i said as they were calmly letting me walk with them. I jumped at her and she flinched. Yo ol scary ass bitch everyone started laughin.

The security guards led me to the ADC and they told me to fill out a incedent report. Fuck this shit i aint bouta fill this out i said as i ripped it in they face and the kids started laughin.

I took out my phone and looked at myself in the camera. shit i only had once scratch and that is on my lip. Weak ass bitches these days i said as i put my hair in a messy bun.

Watch yo mouth in this place miss thang this boy sitting next to me said.

I flicked him off and he covered his mouth wit big eyes.

Soo tell us about the fight everyone in the room said.

Gina *POV*

"Damn my sister beat her ass i said to my three friends walkin beside me down the hall.

Aye did you see when she flinched Taniya said laughing and everyon joined in.

We walked in the class and took our seats in the back of the room where its always loud and crazy.

Wasssup Gina Honesty said as he turned around and winked at me with his dimples.

Sure hey i said as i got up and attempted to give him a hug but he pushed me on to his lap.

Sup i like dis position now lets take it to the bed he said in chrisbrown voice. i started kml then everyone started to look at us. I forgot i was still on his lap i got up and he slapped my ass.

"Boy i said still trying to stop laughin and the teacher go look at me."

The teacher faked coughed and said you two can excuse your selvs out.

Bitch swerve i said  as i gave my friends a hug and got my stuff and walked out the classroom with honesty rite behind me. I walked out with my middle fingers up and The teacher just had a dumb look on her face with her mouth out.

Damn Gg you aint have to try to ride me in class i told you after school honesty said with a smirk on his face as he got closer to me.

Boy swerve you the one who pushed me on your lap i said laughing.

If you werent tryna ride me in class we wouldnt of got kicked out he said getting closer to me. He started to suck on my neck and give me a hickey my eyes rolled back  as he slid his hands down my pants and went in and out of me slowly, i moaned his named and i struglled to get the words out stop because it was cameras lookin directly at us.

Aight but we go do this later Gg he said as he got from over me and licked his fingers. Then the classroom door busted straight open and i tried to fix myself up.

I do not tollerate prophanity or any sexual interactions in my classroom now i want you two to get in this class  and act like you have some since the teacher said with her hands on her hip.

I walked passed her and sat in my seat.

Fani *POV*

So why do i have to fill these papers out i said irritated to the AP.

Because i said so the Ap said with a attitude.

Well fuck dis you aint bouta get no attitude wit me i got up and slammed the door open and the window cracked and people said Dayumm she bouta beat somebodys ass again.

I walked out the ADC and started walking the halls then i accedently bumbed into a boy and fell on my butt.

Damn you is clumsy today ma he said with a smile on his face and hel?ped me up off the ground. 

I got up in anger and he stepped away and i laughed im sorry haha.

He smiled. My name is Ezrah he said.

Im fani.

Thats a sexy name he said with a smile.

I blushed. Damn this nigga was cute he had cinnamon colored skin and little lighter and grey and brownish colored eyes with waves and big juicy lips that fit his face so perfectly.

He was so cute i gazed into his beutiful eyes. he kept smiling and thats smile is to die for he turned me on when he smiled.

he looked down at my ummhm.

Looks like your gonna have to change ma he whisperd in my ear and left me there blushing.










I hoped you like this book so far. if you can guess which one is Fani and which one is Gina. If you get it rite i will put you in the story ;-)!

Comment and vote please. I would like about 5 votes to start off, if you want me to update. <3 thx and luv yah*

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