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The ground I was kneeling on felt smooth under my hands, as far as I can tell it seems to be a rather expensive carpet, the work of Narcissa most definitely

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The ground I was kneeling on felt smooth under my hands, as far as I can tell it seems to be a rather expensive carpet, the work of Narcissa most definitely. Nothing in this house screamed cheap. The carpet offered a small relief for my bones.

The small window provided what was left of the moonlight as well as a handful of candles spread throughout the room. It was impossible to tell the exact time, which drove me insane. It left me powerless, like I had no control over anything that was going on, not even with my body.

The smallest candle next to me on the wall already died out. As Bellatrix had demanded I haven't moved a muscle since she disappeared. It left me utterly confused. Her motives really are questionable.

The desire to stand up and try to escape, even if for nothing, was a prominent thought in the front of my head. It was unlikely to get fat but what kind of person would I be if I wouldn't at least try it.

That thought was quickly halted as distant screams and cries from somewhere in the house echoed through the halls and into this bathroom. If I do not take enough care this would easily be my soon to be fate.

The few candles littered around the room did no job of keeping this room warm at all. Warmth– a foreign word to Bellatrix and probably the whole residents of this manor. My skin grew colder with each passing minute, while Bellatrix is Merlin knows where doing strange business. Abduct people and then leave them alone unattended. Very professional.

With a faint 'pop' I turned my head around and stared at the raven haired woman behind me. About time!

A big smirk graced her features, her eyes observing me to the smallest detail. She walked into the moonlight and starting twirling her hair with her wand in boredom.

"Well, well, well. You really haven't moved a centimeter for the past two or three hours now, huh? I'm impressed. I was so excited to see you dressed and cowering somewhere in the corner, all for me to torture you a little longer. What a shame my dear." The woman pouted and cocked her head.

"But that's for later. Stand and dress." She demanded. "Better hurry up."

"Get up girl." She hissed and I tried my best to get up. I sat on my knees which was surprisingly comfortable at the moment. I couldn't dare to look at her so I just turned to the right and grabbed onto the bathtub.

It took a few seconds until I had my balance under control. I finally stood on my feet but my head was spinning a little.

I felt extremely dizzy. Scared of falling back onto the floor I sat down on the chair. Bella was already sitting across from me watching me with curiosity in her almost black eyes. Somehow it now calmed me to be here with her.

"What are you staring at mudblood?" She hissed and I quickly looked away.

"N-Nothing." I quickly said and tried to find my clothes. I could swear not long ago they were here somewhere in the room.

Bellatrix snipped with her fingers and the clothes appeared. I quickly grabbed the black bra and put it on, next was the also black panties. Meanwhile Bella watched me with lust in her eyes. I could clearly see it.

She would deny it but I can clearly see the truth. So I took my time with putting them on. I managed to get up and slowly bend down to get the shirt. I  put it on without causing too much pain and felt the warmth immediately coming back.

It was a long black shirt, a little too long for my body but whatever. Next is the black jeans and the final touch are the black boots.

I instantly felt better. But I'm still starving, my stomach is eating itself. "Bellatrix?" I quietly asked. "Mhm?" Was the only response I received. She was still sitting in that chair, watching me.

She scanned my body up and down and then licked her lips. "Can you do my hair? You're the only one with a wand right now, so could you maybe– fix my hair?" I asked, again a little more confident than before. She just nodded and swung her wand and my hair was done. It felt good. Since its too dark in here I wouldn't be able to see myself in the mirror next to the door.

Just me and Bella stood in the moonlight. It had to be full moon with how bright the room was lit up. A werewolf could be heard howling out somewhere in the deep forest.

"Follow me muddy." Was all I heard from Bella. She walked to the door and slowly opened it making no noise at all. I took a deep breath and rose from the chair.

She was already outside and playing with something in her hands. I couldn't see it from here so I tried to walk. It took a few second for my head to stop spinning. I felt extremely tired and still weak. Not to mention how horribly my bones are aching.

"Where the heck are you? Move, I don't have all day." She hissed. I rolled my eyes and walked straight towards her. Lucky that it was too dark for her to see my eyes.

I followed her as fast as possible, I don't wanna give her another chance to beat me. The manor was now quiet and dark. No candle, nothing. Scary. I walked close to Bella almost touching her back.

She was walking really fast, too fast for me and my weak body. My legs were about to give in. "Bella please, my legs are giving in any minute." I cried and was about to fall down. But she remained silent and kept walking.

I fell hard. She's still walking, slower than before but she wasn't even looking in my direction.

I groaned in pain and closed my eyes. What am I gonna do now? My legs are tired. My wounds may be healed but I need to eat and get stronger. Oh Merlin, help me. "Are you gonna come or stay there in the mud filthy girl? But I have to say, that's where you belong." She laughed.

I opened my eyes and stared at her boots. She was standing in front of me curiously observing her nails. "I can't, my legs are too weak. I need to eat, please." I said, sounding desperate.

She sighed and grabbed my arm. No mercy at all. "On your feet little one." With her strong arms she pulled me up. "Walk on your own or you can stay there for the night. Maybe Greyback will come around and take a little bite?" She added and chuckled. My eyes opened in shock and I tried to steady myself quickly. "Such a good girl aren't you huh?" She said with a smirk.

"Hands to your back and don't try anything muddy! If you do then I'll be more than happy to have my fun with you." She said rather intimidating.

My body shivered with the thought. I let her fix my hands on my back and started walking. Her wand poking into the back of my neck, we walked down a huge staircase.

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