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"Muddy!" Someone screamed

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"Muddy!" Someone screamed. I jolted up and checked my surroundings. I was still in the jacuzzi, guess I fell asleep in here. "Muddy!" the voice screamed again.

"Yes?" Was all I could scream back. And then with a loud bang the bathroom door flew open. And there she was, Bellatrix Lestrange and she's looking furious as ever. Oh, Merlin!

I quickly covered myself in the water but no matter how hard I tried I knew her eyes could see everything.

"What is it that you are you doing in here?" She screeched. "I–uh, what? I was taking a bath Bellatrix."

I lowered my head and stared into the dirty water. The woman just stood there and watched me. Her eyes were scanning my face.

"I fell asleep and couldn't hear you, I'm sorry."

"Just– get done here and come down afterwards." And with that she disappeared. The door closed itself after she went out.

I was confused, since when is she so nice and caring towards me? Was she scared that I wouldn't be here? The water was cold by now and I started to freeze. Merlin, I need to get out of here.

After I stepped out of the jacuzzi I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my body. I definitely lost weight, all my bones could be seen. I looked horrible.

After drying myself, all my scratches started to ache a little, the air burned them. I dried my hair with the towel and put it into a bun afterwards. I then put on my old clothes and opened the door and stepped out. The house suddenly smelled nice, like, cinnamon. I loved it. It was a fresh and welcome change.

I wandered around a little until I decided to go down. I don't know what I will face down there but I can't hide forever.

Bella was waiting for me, looking very impatient and not amused. Roughly grabbing my wrist she took me to the kitchen. "There, I got you food. Eat!" She demanded.

I nodded and sat down. In front of me was a plate with scrambled eggs and bacon, it looked and smelled amazing. My mouth was watering.

While I was eating Bellatrix sat down at the opposite from me and watched me. I felt a little uncomfortable but what else could I do anyway? She does what she wants.

I looked up and met her charcoal eyes. They stared down into my soul, like she could read my deepest secrets with just one look. "Actually yes, I know all your secrets." A grin spread all over her face after she said that.

I blushed and quickly looked away. She caught me, why didn't I protect my mind? Damnit.

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