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I opened my eyes and was met with light of the rising morning sun making my naked skin glow

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I opened my eyes and was met with light of the rising morning sun making my naked skin glow. Half my body was covered with a blanket made of silk and the rest was exposed to the cool air around me.

But I wasn't alone, no, there was someone beside me. I could feel their presence, the heat their body radiated against mine. It could only be one person.

I turned around and what I saw was a beautiful witch, my witch. Bellatrix. She was still sleeping. Her eyes were closed and behind her eyelids her eyes were moving in every direction, she must be dreaming.

She looked like an angel with her face glowing in the sunlight just like mine. Her curls were a wild mess all over the pillow and one of her arms was around my waist. Even in her sleep she was claiming what is hers.

I smiled, I've never thought to see the witch so peacefully sleeping, so vulnerable. You would think she doesn't sleep at all, but here she is looking like the goddess she is.

Everything about her is magnificent. Her pale white, mostly flawless skin, her ruby red lips, her dark brown hair looking healthy and strong and not as prude as it did last year. Even her nails were painted a dark shade of red, it was matching her lips.

I reached over and lightly kissed her soft lips. Slowly, Bellatrix started to stir. I smiled as her lips started to move against mine and it became a real kiss. We broke apart and I laid my head down onto her warm naked chest.

"Good morning, little lion." She said while stroking my hair. 'Little lion' is her cute new nickname for me. She came up with it last night before we went sleeping and I really found it suiting. If I was the little lion than she is the big snake. "Good morning to you too, sleepy head." I greeted her and enjoyed the feeling of being petted.

"Is it time to leave the bed already?" Bellatrix asked, yawning. I thought for a moment. I mean, I left Hogwarts a day ago without telling anyone. I must be in big trouble already. I just can't simply walk back in there be like 'Hey guys, I just took a walk and secretly shagged our enemy by the way'. No this is not going to work so easily.

"Hermione, what got you so worried?"

I snapped back into reality and stared into the eyes of my partner. Or at least that's what I think. What is this? How is this going to continue and could I tell my friends?

So many questions and it seemed impossible to answer all of them now. I sighed.

"You know you could always read my mind." She giggled and returned to stroking my hair. "Yes, I could but it was you lecturing me to not do this for the sake of your 'privacy'."

I groaned and then giggled. "How right you are." I admitted.

"Bella?" She was staring down at me with her beautiful big brown eyes. "Yes, my dear?"

"I just wanted to know what has happened the day of his death. So far I had no chance on finding out. Well, all I know is that Dumbledore is dead." I asked and cuddled deeper into her chest. Both of her arms snaked around my body and held me close. There was no escape and I enjoyed it.

"Well, sweetheart, for your information, it was not Draco. He couldn't do it. Actually, I knew he wouldn't be able to do it the moment the Dark Lord told him about his task. You could see it in his empty eyes. He did good work though, with getting us into the castle, I mean. He used two vanishing cabinets, the smart boy. Not even I knew they were still existing. But now to more important parts. The Potter brat and Dumbledore apparated back at the right moment, while we were already inside the castle. Draco was already at the tower and we followed him. In the end he couldn't do it so guess who did it? It was our good ol' friend Severus! Who knew the coward could do such thing."

By the time she finished I forgot how to breathe. It was Snape? This is impossible!

"Severus Snape? I knew he was strange but never in a million years did I think he would be able to kill him."

"It's true sweetheart." I sighed and sat up. "What's going to happen now? Who will be Headmaster? What is Hogwarts without Dumbledore?" I rubbed my face with my hands. A headache was starting to form.

"Calm down first. Since Dumbledore is out of the way the Dark Lord is on for the win. I'm sure they're already planing on how to take over the ministry. But Hermione, I can only tell you these things if you swear that you won't tell anyone!" Bella exclaimed.

I thought about it for a moment. There are a lot of questions lingering on my mind, a lot we need to take care of.

"First I need to know where I can spend the time. I can't go home, not right now. I could let my parents know I would spend some time at Ron's. But then I also need to get my things from Hogwarts, I can't just walk in there after missing already. Minerva wouldn't let me leave on my own again."

"I will talk to Snape and tell him to get your things to Malfoy Manor. I will bring them over here, you don't have to go there. My sister would probably jump through the roof and throw a tantrum." Bella giggled.

The thought of Narcissa throwing a tantrum when she would spot me in her lovely home is indeed entertaining. As much as I would like to witness that, I can't walk in there with Bella. Narcissa will have us both executed in a matter of seconds.

I snuggled closer to her chest and listened to her heartbeat. It was a calming strange noise but I relaxed instantly. Having her this close made me feel safe and protected. And loved.

I will never understand how someone could hate her this much, without knowing a single true thing about her. People are so quick to judge.

"You're probably hungry kitten, let's go and make breakfast. We can return back to bed right after." She said and winked. A warm feeling spread across my stomach. Seeing her smiling down at me like that fulfilled all of my dreams.

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