Chapter 4: I'm sorry...

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Disclaimer: I don't Naruto

Your POV
Time Skip - Lunch.
"OMG DID YOU SEE THAT (y/n) GIRL WITH LOTS OF FAN BOYS!" Ino talked with Sakura.
"I KNOW RIGHT!" Sakura got mad.

Man... and Hinata is my favourite girl character...
"Hey!! Can I did by you?" Kiba ask.
"Sure." I smiled.
He sat next to me while eating lunch.
"I'm Kiba."
"Hi Kiba, you know my name aready."
"Hey I'm sitting next to you..." Sasuke came.
"(y/n)-chan!!" Naruto yelled.
"Hey Naruto-kun!!" I smiled.
"Why are you here Kiba and Sasuke?" Naruto said.

"I'm joining too!" Rock Lee said.
"Me and Shikamaru too!" Choji said.
"Same with me." Neji said.
I had a sweat drop.
"HEY!! OUR SENSEI SAID THAT WE COULD VISTED YOU (y/n)!!" Obito came and sweat drop.
"Wrong time?"
I nodded.
"YOUTHFUL FLOWER!!!" Gai hugged me.
Everyone there got jealous but Shikamaru, Kakashi, and Obito.
"DID YOU SEE THE FANBOYS?" Sakura ask Ino.
Everyone went to class, and Obito-senpai, Kakashi-kun, and flower king ask if they could stay so they could try teaching. They agreed.
First off, Gai taught Taijutus, and I learn alot. Rock Lee looked up to Gai.
Next was Kakashi, most of the girls just looked at him beacsue he was cute. But he taught ninjutus. I also learn alot. Naruto was starting to like him.

Then Obito taught genjutus cause he was a Uchiha. Learning all of this was so cool! Iruka notice that I was the only one excited for this.
After that we all went home.

It's been one month, and so I became best friends with Hinata when I got. Message that said I needed to go. But where? I went to the Hokage and he told me everything. I started to cry. I didn't want to go.
"(Y/n) please, you need to go to the sand village for 3 years so you can learn how to crontrol your unquied type of chakra. Many of sound and mist ninjas are looking for your chakra." Uncle Hokage said.
I went to Naruto and mines house to pack up.
"Your leaving so soon?" Naruto said crying.
"I have to go to the sand village, I'm sorry..."

Later on, almost everyone came to say goodbye to me.
"YOUTHFUL FLOWER, BE STORNG WITHOUT ME!" Gai said as tears came rolling down his cheek.
"I will." I hugged Gai goodbye. Then Shikamaru, than Neji, than Lee, "I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU!" Lee said.
I sweat drop. I said bye to Konoha 11, until Choji was left. He was crying badly.
"Don't worry Choji. Every thing is okay... I will miss you." I said crying hugging Choji.
"I'll never forget what you said to me." He smiled

We were eating out and Ino was talking to Choji privetly.
"You seriously need to lose weight If you want a girlfriend. Your so big, man no wonder no one likes you." Ino said to Choji.
Choji felt like crying.
"You may look good on the outside Ino, but In the inside, your the one who is ugly. Atleast he eats well!! You had all this food, and YOU STARVE yourseft for others." (Y/n) came out.
"WHATEVER!!" Ino said crying running away.
"Thanks... (y/n).." Choji said shy.
"Your welcome! I used to be bully... I learn that sometimes you need to stand up for yourself." I did a eye smile.
I move onto Obito and Kakashi.

"I will miss you." Obito was crying.

"I will miss you too." I kiss him on the cheek.

"Wait (y/n), promise me that you will remberer me?" Obito  said.

"I promise."

"Don't leave..." I heard Kakashi said.

"I love you Kakashi, but I need to go... now." I hugged him goodbye.

Kakashi will always remberer that word...'I love you'


"Welcome! You must be (y/n)!" I look to see who it was. Temari.... She was a total butt kicker. She was my second favorite girl character. 

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