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The next week was a blur

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The next week was a blur. Snape was malicious the entirety of their lessons to the girls, and they thought it was absolutely hilarious. As mean as he tried to be and how hard he tried to get to them, all they could do was laugh at a joke either one of them told or the way his face contorted when he was lecturing a student. Snapes class had never been better.

Friday arrived and the girls had little time to prepare. Waverly always packed some nice dresses just in case there was to be some party or spontaneous event during the year, and she knew Ginny had something up her sleeve as well.

Ginny had taken it upon herself to invite Waverly into her common room to get ready, and Waverly didn't object. The Slytherin common room had become quite uncomfortable lately; more than usual she might add.

When she got there, Ginny was waiting outside for her like she said she would, much to Waverly's comfort. It would be awful having to wait outside a common room that isn't even yours.

"Hey. Are you excited?" asked the redhead.

"Yeah, as much as you can be for a dinner party with a teacher. You?" Waverly giggled.

"Same I guess. Hopefully there isn't alcohol; wouldn't want to see Slughorn all tipsy. He already acts as though he is on a daily basis though," Ginny retorts. "Abstinence," Ginny speaks, getting an odd look from the Fat Lady.

"You're bringing a Slytherin girl into the common room and letting her in on the password?" asks the portrait, looking quite astounded.

"Yeah. It's none of your business who I'm friends with and who I trust," Ginny tells her, and annoyed look on her face.

"It will be my business if she tells all her Slytherin friends the password then won't it?" she says, giving Waverly a dirty look.

"Pardon me, but I don't like any of the people in my common room at the moment, nor do I have a very good memory, so before you go accusing me of something, be sure that I'm going to do it first. Thank you," Waverly speaks.

The Fat Lady gave a bewildered look and the portrait swung open.

"She's getting more and more fussy. You'd think that with my brothers being gone and there would be no one there to set dung bombs off at her, then she would be in a better mood," Ginny rambles. "Does that happen to you a lot? The assumptions I mean."

"Yeah. You sort of get used to it though," the brunette says. Slytherin predjudice wasn't a luxury that came with her house, and she certainly didn't deserve it; just because people have made bad choices in the past doesn't mean everyone has to be labeled by them.

As soon as Waverly entered the place, she realized how warm and comforting it was. She decided she was going to spend time in here a lot more often.

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