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News of Waverly sticking up for Ginny had spread across Hogwarts like wildfire, much as any gossip in the school does

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News of Waverly sticking up for Ginny had spread across Hogwarts like wildfire, much as any gossip in the school does. The Slytherins seemed most unimpressed by her actions, while the Gryffindors had gained a new-found respect for Waverly. And most of all, Luna, who had thought that what Waverly had done was so loyal and incredible that it had apparently brought tears to her eyes. Which, didn't surprise Waverly much, considering this was Luna after all.

But, Pansy Parkinson had seemed to distance herself from Waverly, which had left her feeling somewhat lonely, even though she had become friends with the redhead. Pansy was her first true friend, and that had taken a toll on Waverly at best.

So Waverly spent her time dreading her detention with Snape, and joking around with Ginny whenever she could. The girl actually had an amazing sense of humor, and she couldn't help but be drawn to it. She would tend to take everything in around her and exaggerate it, but she knew exactly when she had you hooked. Ginny was like a sip of firewhiskey that burned going down, but was irresistible after the first couple sips, even when you knew she was bad for you.

But Waverly Summers was definitely not addicted to Ginny Weasley, that was for sure.

So, as the days drawled on, and the detention grew closer, Waverly submerged herself into studying, (that was absolutely pointless now, being the very beginning of the school year and all) but she found nothing more to do that was much enjoyable. She was usually just with Luna in these sessions, because Ginny had become almost completely submerged with quidditch tryouts. Whether or not Waverly minded that Ginny wasn't there didn't really surface.

Even so, Luna was a great studying partner; she was very creative in her ways of learning and was always thinking up new methods for studying. Ever since Waverly stood up to Snape though, Luna had become quite attached to Waverly, and takes the time to talk to her every day. The brunette doesn't mind one bit, in fact it's quite a nice alternative to the lack of Pansy.

Waverly of course would still see Ginny in class and talk to her and laugh at her jokes, but she has gotten no one-on-one time with her since she'd been yelled at. Their free periods were spent either in the library (in Waverly's case) or on the Quidditch field (in Ginny's case).

As Friday closed in and the two girls were heading to Potions, Waverly had never been happier to see Ginny. She seemed to never be around anymore, as early in the year it may be.

"Hey Waverly. Missed seeing you around," Ginny beamed.

Ginny Weasley actually missed seeing me.

"You too. It seems like it's been forever," Waverly smiled back.

"Well, what with Quidditch tryouts and all. Thank Merlin those are over. As much as I love it, the idiots that showed up to the pitch and actually thought they were good blows my mind. There were first years who looked like they've never ridden a broom, a Ravenclaw and a Hufflepuff, and Romilda Vane and her friends who obviously just came to look at Harry and fall over each other. Oh, and don't even get me started on Cormac Mclaggen. To think I thought Michael Corner was a piece of work," Ginny ranted.

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