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Once the train had arrived at Hogwarts, Waverly ran off the steaming red engine faster than she thought humanely possible

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Once the train had arrived at Hogwarts, Waverly ran off the steaming red engine faster than she thought humanely possible. Being in confinement for that long with Ginny Weasley was more than she could endure, and changing with her did not in any way make it a better experience. At least thats what she told herself. There was absolutely positively no way Waverly liked the way her hair curled up at the ends, or how her freckles complimented her skin nicely. No way on earth.

No way.

So, she continued on, caught up with Pansy Parkinson (whom she'd acquaintanced herself with so that she wouldn't have to deal with the Slytherin girls in her year who where beyond snobbish; pureblood supremacy and all) and walked towards the school with their arms linked.

"Where's Draco? Whatever he's checking shouldn't take that long," Pansy said. She'd been worrying about Draco as her pass time for as long as Waverly had known her. "Draco this" and "Draco that" were all she heard nowadays, but Waverly put up with her for the sake of an actual friend.

"Maybe he found Potty and decided to hit it off. The amount of time he spends talking about that boy you'd think they were engaged or something," Waverly rolled her eyes, and Pansy turned a bright pink.

"Draco would never think of doing such a foul thing!" She defended, her ears turning red.

"I was only joking," Waverly giggled. She shoved her with an elbow, trying to play it off as though she was not utterly in love with the platinum-haired pureblood.

They'd gotten to the carriages, and saw Filch harassing people at the gates. It looked like he was checking all the students' trunks. A smart idea, thought Waverly, and she would've said so had Pansy not been next to her.

"Stupid squib. Acts as though he runs the place," Pansy muttered loud enough for Waverly to hear. Opening up the door, Waverly saw bright red hair and Gryffindor robes.

"I think we should go in another carriage, this one seems to be occupied," Waverly said, not only before she heard a certain redhead say,  "There's room for one more if you wanna join- on the other hand, I think the carriage is full," Ginny said, taking notice that it was Waverly who'd entered.

"I think we can squeeze in one more. Oh hello Waverly, it seems we meet again," she heard Luna's airy voice, and wasn't sure if she should be grateful or angry that she had let her stay.

"I'll go find another one Waves. See you at dinner though," Pansy gave her a somewhat sympathetic look, and went off on her way. She no doubt had found Draco and pressed herself against him as close as worldly possible in a empty carriage.

Once again, Waverly was next to Ginny, this time a lot closer in proximity than before.

"Is everyone excited for the new school year? I heard we get to handle snargaluff pods in Herbology," Neville said with an excited look on his face.

"That's wonderful Neville. At least you don't have O.W.L.s this year," Ginny said, and Waverly suddenly realized that she would also be taking them.

"Maybe we could study some time Luna," Waverly said, purposely leaving out Ginny, which in turn lead the redhead to whip her head around.

"And why didn't you ask me?" she asked. Waverly almost thought she heard a twinge of jealousy. Almost.

"Well from the way you said the carriage was full a couple minutes ago, I kinda got the hint you didn't really want to be around me. So excuse me Weasley, but would you like to come and study with us sometime?" Waverly asked, making Ginny more and more annoyed by second.

"That would be lovely," seethed Ginny.

An astonished Neville and seemingly unfazed Luna watched their little argument, pulled in by every single detail.

The carriage came to halt, which jolted Ginny and Waverly out of what looked like a staring competition, had you not just seen the argument between the two.

"Lovely weather," said Luna.

"Lovely," Waverly repeated.

Waverly felt a hand latch around her arm. And someone pulling her off to the side somewhere. She saw freckles and multiple bandages that could only belong to the Weasley girl. Waverly knew she was good at quidditch, but didn't realize just how dedicated Ginny was.

"Look. I'm sorry for the thing on the carriage."

"Which part?"

"The part that I told you it was filled."

Waverly felt her cheeks twinge the slightest shade of pink. Why would she apologize?

"Umm... yeah. Thanks," Waverly said. They stood there for a minute, but Ginny seemed to be thinking about something. Then, she saw the same bandaged and freckled hand stick out towards her.

"Nice you meet you," Ginny started.

"What are you-" she ignored her.

"I'm Ginny Weasley. And you are?"

"You know who I am."

"Of course I do. But maybe we should start differently. We met because of a stupid reason, and we should make ourselves better."

"Ugh, fine. Nice to meet you Ginny. I'm Waverly Summers. I think we're going to be the best of friends," Waverly said sarcastically.

Ginny, obviously not noting the sarcasm, smiled and said, "Me too."

Waverly couldn't tell if she was being serious or not, but secretly she hoped she was.

Secretly, she hoped that their study sessions weren't too far from now either, because Ginny wasn't all that bad.

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