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A few months had passed since the first Slug Club meeting, and lessons for fifth years were getting more and more in depth and difficult to comprehend

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A few months had passed since the first Slug Club meeting, and lessons for fifth years were getting more and more in depth and difficult to comprehend. Ginny's brother, Ron, had gotten himself a girlfriend by the name of Lavender Brown, and she proved to be very clingy. Waverly thought the only thing she knew how or liked to do was have intense snogging sessions with Ron, especially when everyone could see.

She had also taken it upon herself to interrupt her and Ginny's studying whenever she saw them in the library.

"Was he happy to see me today?" or "Does your brother like the color beige?" and "Do I look good today?" were all questions that haunted the two girls almost daily.

Today, the question was: "What's my Won-Won's favorite food?"

"I don't think there's a food he doesn't like," Ginny replied.

This received a laugh from Waverly, and a red faced Lavender to storm off.

"Shouldn't she know that by now? Or are they too busy snogging all the time to have a respectable conversation with each other," the Slytherin said rolling her eyes.

"It's disgusting the amount of spit they must share," Ginny gagged. "Well if it's taken a toll on anyone, it's Hermione. Won't even talk to him. I can't really blame her though, he's so clueless, he couldn't see that she's liked him since their third year. Boys are so stupid."

"Agreed," replied Waverly, and they dove into their studying, glad they wouldn't be interrupted by Lavender.

When Ginny Weasley was only in her first year, she was possessed by none other than Voldemort himself. When Ginny Weasley was only in her first year, she dreaded waking up each morning. Of course she didn't quite know what was happening, only that a very bad person was making her to do very bad things. She felt ashamed and scared, because she knew his plans but she couldn't do anything about it, or else he would hurt her. That's what he told her atleast. When she finally had control over her own body again, she screamed. And cried. Until there were no tears left in her body and her voice was hoarse and it hurt to talk for a week. When she finally had control over her own body again, she hurled that diary as hard as she could in the bathroom. It hit Moaning Myrtle, but who was she to care? The ghost couldn't feel it anyways.

She didn't bother to glance at the whip of dark brown hair and Slytherin robes.

When Ginny Weasley was only in her second year, the dementors came onto the train and Ginny thought she was going to lose it. The redhead shook like a leaf, and she thought she could shriek, but she stayed with Hermione until she felt she was better, because the memories from last year came flooding back to her. She passed that same girl who saw her last year on the way back to her compartment, but was too shaken to notice.

When Ginny Weasley was only in her third year, she had almost died twice. The Quidditch World Cup was raided by Death Eaters, and the Dark Mark had sprung up in the dark clouds. Ginny trembled, because she had seen that mark before in her first year. Her brothers didn't exactly know why the girl reacted this way, but they tried to calm her down anyways because they had a pretty good idea of why Ginny was so affected.

When Ginny Weasley was only in her fourth year, she had fought death eaters and conquered, and could perform hexes better than almost anyone else in her year. Her father had almost died, and Sirius Black had succumb to the veil. She grieved, but she told herself she would grieve no more. She had already done enough of that in her lifetime.

When Ginny Weasley was only in her fifth year, she had endured more than most, but was still one of the most resilient and kindest girls in the school.

November rolled around, and the news of Katie Bell being possessed sent Ginny into hysterics. Waverly knew better than to ask why, but was kind to the redhead nonetheless.

"It's ok. She'll be fine," the sixteen year old said on an especially rough day.

"But what if she's not? No one knows what it's like to be possessed by him. No one knows what it feels like but me," says a shaken Ginny. "The last time this happened people were petrified and a boatload of muggleborns were almost killed."

"What do you mean?" asks a confused Waverly.

"H-he possessed me in first year. I didn't tell anyone because they would probably think I was a freak or something," the redhead informs her.

"You were possessed by him? That was you?" Waverly questions.

"Yeah. So this whole thing with Harry and that stupid Potions book— it worries me ok? When I did what I was told from an illusive book by an even more illusive author, Voldemort violated me. This is beyond frightening for me. No one should have to go through that."

Waverly understood the Weasley girl a little more, and was grateful that she was giving in to Waverly, and the brunette was happy she was gaining her trust.

The Slytherin embraced Ginny. She didn't know why, but she felt it was appropriate right now and the right thing to do.

She felt Ginny let go of a breath Waverly thought she was probably holding in for a long time.

"It'll be ok. Katie will pull through. She plays Quidditch and had to put up with your brothers for years for Merlins sake."

"Thanks Waves. It means the world," Ginny says, and squeezed the brunette a little tighter.

In that moment, all Waverly knew was that she wanted more. More of what, she didn't quite know, but she had a feeling it involved Ginny.

Maybe she'd felt it with Pansy, but she couldn't be sure. Whatever it was, she most certainly didn't want it to leave. Because as much as she hated to admit it, more was quite a nice feeling.

i feel like this is absolute shit but i'm in the car on my way to a tournament and i feel like I needed to give you something because i'll be gone for a couple weeks. anyways i hope you enjoyed!

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