Chapter no.20

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Corinne's POV:-

I was screaming at the top of my voice but I couldn't stop. What I saw felt so unreal. I wanted to stab myself. I let this happen. I actually let this happen.

I was shaking violently and I wanted to die right there. I stumbled forward onto the blood stained bed sheets in my room. My hands drenched in blood.

Just then I heard footsteps running up the stairs towards me. I dropped to my knees sobbing hard. It felt so unreal being in this situation after so many years again. I thought it was all okay but look what had happened. Because of me. All because of me.

Someone rushed to my side kneeling beside me and shook my shoulders but I seemed to be petrified. I was trapped in my own mind. My body was suffocating me. I wanted to choke and die. I didn't want to live anymore.

"Corinne? Corinne?" I slowly gained my senses and realized it was Cameron. He had fear and worry written across his face.

I averted my eyes from his and back to the blood chilling scene.

Merleah, my best friend and sister lay in blood. There was so much blood, you could drown yourself in it. And her body looked pale almost blue against the dark red blood she was covered in.

Cameron dialed Dylan's number.
"Where the fuck are you? Come to Corinne's house now." he shouted.

I suddenly rushed to Leah's side and sat down beside her limp body. Taking her hand in mine I broke into tears.

Then I froze.

"Cameron!" I shouted and he rushed to my side.
"She moved.....I swear she moved." I said.
"We need to call an ambulance." he said calling the ambulance and they took Leah to the hospital.

I looked around the room.
My eyes caught a piece of paper beside the mess on my bedside table.

You know I want you......

A chill pressed against my heart and I couldn't feel anything.
"Corinne.....we need to leave." Cameron whispered and led me out of the room.

We rode to the hospital where Leah had been taken.
"Merleah Robins. In the operation theater. Please wait." a nurse told us at the reception and I ran through the corridor and stopped in front of the operation theater.

It felt like I had lost everything. I had gotten myself tangled up in my past again. I was everything that I had been back then. Weak, angry and frustrated. Frightened too and all alone.

Cameron made me sit down on a couch in the waiting area and gave me my phone.
I looked up at him.
"You need to call her parents." he said.

I took the phone with shaky hands and dialed Aidan's number.
"Hey sweetheart! How's my favorite daughter?" he said and tears welled up in my eyes.
"A-Aidan I....."
"What happened? Corinne are you okay?" he sounded worried. For me. I didn't deserve that.
"Merleah.....she's in the hospital.....p-please come. S-she needs you." I cut the call bursting into tears.

Cameron pulled me in for a hug. I cried into his chest. And he held me like I was something precious to him.
"Stay strong amoré." he kept saying.

His voice felt so soothing.

But I just couldn't keep it in anymore. I had to take it out. It was midnight by the time Aidan and Laverna came rushing to us.

I told them everything guaging their reaction. Aidan looked stressed and Laverna looked frightened.
"Aid Lav I'm so sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't have left her alone. If I had any idea-" I began apologizing but Laverna cut me off.
"Well at least you do understand whose fault it is." she said in a venomous tone and I flinched.
"Laverna I....-"

She raised her hand to silence me.
" call yourself her best friend? You just left her to die? Where were you when she almost got killed?" she barged at me.

I deserved this. Because I was the cause of Merleah's wrecked state.
"I-I....." I was out of words to apologize.

"You don't have an answer do you? Just forget it." Laverna got up and left.
Aidan hugged me.
"She's just know she loves you." he said and then left to look for her.

Cameron intertwined his hand with mine and squeezed it gently. I looked at him and smiled weakly.
"Dylan is in shock. He needs you. You should go." I said.

He kept looking at me intently.
"I'll be fine Cameron. Just go." he nodded and left.


"Why are the cops here?" Cameron asked me and I just kept silent. I didn't know how to answer his question.

"Ms Braylon. You need to keep yourself safe. You and your family are in danger." one of the cops said.

Cameron looked at me, shock clearly evident on his face.
"It was you the murderer wanted to kill?" he said.

I just nodded.
The cops left us alone.
"You could have told me that before." he said.
I stared at him.
Why was he so angry?

"I'm not letting you out of my sight again. You're moving in." he said and my mouth fell open.
"What do you mean by moving in?"

"You know really well what I mean darling and no arguments." he said and walked away smirking.

I sighed. What am I ever going to do with him?

The following morning, Merleah was statured out of the ICU and into her new ward. She looked frail and pale because of all the blood she had lost.

But she had been kept on anesthesia and she wasn't going to gain consciousness until later that night so Cameron insisted on getting his men to shift my luggage to his penthouse.

I had no choice but to agree.

I tried talking to Laverna a few times. But she was determined to ignore me completely.
This was what hurt the most. Losing my loved ones. I couldn't afford to lose anyone of these people.

They were my everything.


Sorry for the late update. College is hectic work and sure as hell a lot to do.
Anyway I hope you like it.

If you do please read, vote and comment.

Just chill. And read my other books too.
Take care.


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