Chapter no.37

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Hi my lovelies!
Sorry for the delay in my updates. Lately college work has been hectic and I caught cold too.
But I promise to try and update more often.

I wanna give all my thanks to all my readers who have been my support all this time. The reads and votes make me so happy. Your comments are literally my life. I love to read and reply to every single one of them for you. :)

I want to thank
These two are always the first ones to vote and leave encouraging comments within the first 10 minutes after every new update no matter what time it maybe. So thank you.

You all are the best.
Love you all. Xx.


Corinne's POV:-

Cameron's grey eyes turned to gaze me down. Enough to make me sink into my spot. What had I done!

"You?.....who was it? Who took her?" His tone was vivid with desperation. It was clear he would go as far as anything for his only sister alive.

Speak Corinne. Speak!......

I bit my lip trying to think of a way to start.
"His name is Calvin. I saw a picture of him and Meryl in her room. And I know him because........"

I frowned deeply. I'm so dead after this.
"We don't have all day Corinne." I flinched at his harsh tone and urged myself on.
"H-he is my step-brother."

Anyone would have never caught a hint. No one knew why I moved to Paris. I could see the surprise on Leah's face. She had known I had a step-brother but she had had no idea he would be involved with Cameron in any way possible.

She had no idea Calvin would come this far for me.

I dreaded what was to come next. Silence was all he gave me. His stormy grey eyes looked furious......and hurt.

I clenched my fists by my sides trying to keep myself upright.
"How long?" He finally spoke. I knew what he meant.

His voice was quiet and calm.
"I saw him in that picture.....a-a week ago. But I wasn't sure-"

I almost let out a cry before I could even finish the words. He glared at me with so much fury it almost looked like.....he hated me now. My hands flew to cover my mouth and muffle the sobs that started to form as he fisted the coffee table in front of him and it razed to the floor cutting his hand in the process.

Crimson blood dripped from his fisted knuckles.

He stormed out of the living room and I crumbled to the floor letting myself break down. What the hell did I just do?

I was only slightly aware of Leah kneeling at my side trying to get me to sit up. I wanted to cry. For the first time in years I regretted a decision.

For the first time in years, I felt weak. I felt broken.
"I-Leah....I have to go.....I have to see him." I sobbed into her shoulder and she craddled me patting my back.
I rushed to my feet fighting my weak legs and almost ran to our room.

Our room. Would it be the last time- No.
I wiped my tears and barged into the room. My eyes moved frantically looking for him before my eyes landed on his tall figure. His back was to me. His fist clenched against the wall. His shoulders taut.

"C-Cameron!" I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat and walked to close the distance between us.
"Please listen to me....I-I'm sorry. I should've-" he cut me off when he turned to face me. I stumbled a step backwards when I saw the livid raw emotions in his eyes.
"Leave." That one word rang in my head like a curse.
"Leave now." I shook my head eyeing him desperately begging silently for him to come out of his trance.
"Cam-eron p-please-at least listen-"
"I SAID FUCKING LEAVE NOW." I whimpered softly.

He yelled at me. He yelled. At me?

He stepped away from my shaking frame.
All I could do was curse myself. Loathe myself for my stupidity. If only I had told him. Was Meryl even alive? What if Calvin killed her? She would die because of me. I would lose Cameron forever.

I founf myself stepping further away. It was like my mind was screaming to go and hug him but my body pushed me away with each step I took.

He wants you to leave.......

All this time I had started to forget my past. I had tried to overcome fear. But it was all coming back to me. Was this how it was supposed to end? My love for him not strong enough for the both of us? I had grown so familiar to this man that now I was falling apart even thinking that he doesn't want me anymore. I had made a mistake. And I knew it. How did I end up falling for him? How? I had promised myself to never........

But I did.

Did he even love me back? I scoffed at the thought. Of course not. Was I that foolish to not undrstand why? When I confessed......he never said it back to me. I had been just like any other whore to him. He had wanted my body all this time......not me.

How did I get so blind?

I had been just an object to release his tension.

I cringed at the fact at how true that may be. A painful pang of regret spread through my body.
But I somehow knew this would be coming and I refused to let go of him.

I found my hand on the door knob.
"Corinne!" A tiny spark of hope. I turned to look at him.
"I never want to see you again."

And my world came crashing down.


Meryl's POV:-

I was hoping Cameron was fine. I swear if Calvin harmed my brother I'm going to kill him.
"What's with the flowers?" I asked.

He eyed me with those merciless escentric eyes.
"None of your business." He snapped at me.
"Why do you want to kill Corinne?" I knew he was getting pissed with my questions but I needed to know.

"You want to get killed bitch?" He drawled.

"Why did you put blood there on my carpet?" I hadn't expected for him to answer this too but he spoke.
"You know I like to play games my dear." Of course. One of his sickly games. He was evil and twisted to the core. There was no doubt in that.

I eyed him with all the hate I could master. Oh how I wished I could kill him in a painful death.

And I might as well do that before he could harm Cameron or Corinne. For now, I had to go with what he had planned.

I was no better than this psycopath criminal but I would not die without knowing Cameron and Corinne were both safe.


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