Chapter no.44

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Song: Somebody To Love- Justin Bieber♡


Corinne's POV:-

The sound of clock ticking behind my back made anticipation rise within as I watched Cameron shift from his relaxed posture on the bed. He was starting to wake.
"Mornin'" his voice full of sleep. The hoarse tone in it making it all the way sexy. I shook my head to move those thoughts to the back of my mind.
"It's just half past midnight." I mumbled quietly.

Without a word, I put the thermometer into his mouth and placed a soup bowl on the bedside table.
"Eat need to take your meds again."

He stared at me with bleary eyes.
"We can talk while you eat." I assured him.
He nodded.

I placed the soup bowl in front of him on a tray.
"Can I ask you something?" I began.
"Anything." He said.
"Did the cops find anything about......Meryl?"

He sighed.
"No.....they traced her phone and found it near the church downtown. Nothing else."
"Oh!" I didn't know what to say. I was the person he had blamed in the first place. His sister was gone and it was my fault.
"I'm sorry........I-"
"It's not your fault." He cut me off.

He sighed, stressful from the entire situation.
"It's........mine. I failed to protect her."

My heart throbbed painfully. How he treated me was wrong and all but I would never want for him to take all the blame alone. His guilt was hitting him hard. I could see why he had become so weak and vulnerable.
"This is not what I wanted." I whispered.
"I should have told you about Calvin before." I continued.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.
"Because I wasn't sure myself Cameron......I-I was and Calvin had a past and it's not something I would like to talk about. I wasn't ready to tell you. I was scared you would judge me." The truth was hard for me to get out but I had no choice. Corinne Braylon would never admit to her weaknesses in front of someone but here she was doing what she despised so much.

I watched anxiously as Cameron closed the distance between us and pulled me to him.
"I love you Corinne." It made my heart jump every time I heard him say that.
".......and I love you because of who you are today.....I don't care what your past was and it's okay if you don't want to tell me. Just know that....I'm sorry for what happened.......I was an idiot to let you go like that." He said. His grey eyes swirled with sincerity and love for me.
"I love you too Cameron."

I spooned some soup and put the spoon to his lips.
"C'mon eat up." I smiled.

His returning smile was as breathtakingly beautiful as ever. His eyes lit up and he chuckled softly. I loved when he did that.
"So am I forgiven?" He smirked.

I sighed softly trying to hide my smile.
"Not just yet." His smirk faded into a cute frown.

He quietly munched on his soup.
He can be such a child sometimes.

"And Cameron?" I spoke teasingly.
" are an asshole." I added.

Seeing his face I cracked up finally doubling over with laughter.

I didn't realise when I landed on the plush carpet with Cameron on top. My heavy breaths synched with his as we looked at each other.
"Go on a date with me." He said out of breath.
"What?" My mouth hung open.

He chuckled softly and grabbing my chin closed my mouth.
"Go on a date with me." He said amusingly.
"What if I don't want to?" I asked narrowing my eyes at him.
"I'm not asking sweetheart......I'm telling you. You're going on a date with me." He replied cockily.

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