Chapter no.27

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"Okay. This has to be it." Merleah said, holding the dress at arm's length.
"What about this one?" Meryl suggested and picked up a cute crop top.

They were out shopping for an upcoming fashion show which another company was hosting and Cameron and the girls were invited. The fashion show was going to be held on a cruise and the party after the show was what made it all more exciting.

The cruise would be floating on the waters of Bassin de la Villette.

Cameron, Corinne, Dylan, Merleah and Meryl were going and so the girls had spent the last two days dress shopping

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Cameron, Corinne, Dylan, Merleah and Meryl were going and so the girls had spent the last two days dress shopping.

Corinne sat in a corner of the dressing room completely spaced out while the girls chattered on and looked through dresses in the entire store.

Cameron was still giving her the cold shoulder but why? One minute he was all teasing and playful like his usual self then the next minute he was that cold arrogant person who didn't seem to have a care in the world.

Corinne had already bought her dress but had still tagged along with her best friends for their dress shopping.

Corinne as she was, was never the person to let anyone bring her down or spoil her mood but Cameron and his coldness was bothering her way too much. She tried not to think much about it but all came out was her thinking and thinking. What had she done wrong?

The girls finally had their outfits as the bodyguards followed them to the mall's food court.
She frowned when one of the bodyguards pulled out a chair for her to sit down. She rolled her eyes arrogantly starting to get angry all of a sudden.
"Cut it out. Stop following us." She snapped at the poor guy rudely while the girls eyed her with shock.
"I'm sorry she's just tired today." Merleah mumbled to the bodyguard who nodded with a polite smile backing off.

"What's gotten into you?" Meryl asked.

"You better tell us Corinne this is not the solution of any problem." Merleah said.

Corinne sighed.
"I-Cameron.....Cameron is the problem. Have you seen how he behaves? He's all sweet and loving and then suddenly he doesn't know me at all." She was frustrated beyond words.

"Oh don't worry. Guys are like this at this time of the month." Meryl said and burst into laughter alongside Merleah. Corinne had to smile at her friends.

"No but seriously. Just relax. My brother is a jerk sometimes. Don't take it too hard." Meryl said as both girls recovered from their fit of laughter.
"Is Corinne Braylon missing someone....." Merleah teased her suggestively.

"Heck no...." Corinne smirked.

"Yeah right." Meryl said totally not convinced.
" you mind if I give your brother a taste of his own medicine?" She said.
"Of course not. I'm with you." Meryl laughed.

"What a sister!" Merleah muttered making them laugh again.

They picked up their shopping heading back for the mansion.


Later At Night:-

Cameron settled down in his study rammaging through files to find a contract. Finding through his cabinet, he sighed in defeat deciding it was time to take some help.
"Corinne!" He called out.
"Mr Kalebs!" She walked in hearing his voice.
He told her to search for the file he needed. She finally retrieved it from his bedroom upstairs.
"Here you go." She said.
"Thank you." He said eyeing her closely.
She didn't reply to that and walked out slamming the door shut as Cameron sat at his desk in utter shock.

He knew he deserved it and he was infuriated at his stupidness. Corinne surely hadn't done it on purpose. She had just asked a question simply out of curiosity. But she had no idea that he and Meryl had lived a terrible past. And that included Meryl dating someone. Someone she had loved truly.

And they had lost their third sibling too. Years after they had lost their parents. No one knew that they had a third sister. Sara. And it was the grieve of losing Sara that forced Cameron into keeping Meryl a secret. No one knew, except a few people that Cameron ever had any sisters.

He decided that it was time he cleared things up with Corinne. It wasn't her fault after all. She knew nothing about their terrible past.

He looked at the clock on his study wall, realizing it was time to get ready.


The girls hustled about the room to get ready.

The three looked beautiful in their own way. With unique beauty and elegance in Meryl. Natural and fresh aura in Merleah and Glamour and sophistication in Corinne.

 Natural and fresh aura in Merleah and Glamour and sophistication in Corinne

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Hi people!
I wanted this chapter to be longer but I think it is better this way as I wrote this down sitting in my college cafeteria. I hope you like it anyway.

Read and share this book with your friends too and please take a look at my other works too. That'd be great.


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