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Bellamy- He knew how to take you on a date, well it was great to the circumstances. He'd always take you out 'hunting' and you'd both climb a tree and sit up there. It was pretty romantic

Finn- We all know Finn, when he's his normal self, mr.peace keeper, lover not a fighter and that was true. Your dates consisted of major cuteness and oddly romantic things that he knew made your heart flutter.

Jaspar- You both were funny weird people, and you both also liked and do some degree loved alcohol. Your dates consisted of that, which was cute when Jaspar had to carry your drunk ass back to your shared tent.

Monty- He always tried to impress you with his major genius kid skills and intelligence and what not. You thought it was the cutest thing every when he showed you how things worked even thought that all he could focus on was you.

Murphy- He wasn't much of a romantic. I mean he's Murphy, so in an attempt to please you, he'd like to take you on walks while on guard or sneaking away from camp without knowing where the hell you both were going to end up

Clarke- so Clarke, is pretty stuck up and strict just as Bellamy, so you were the one to offer to go on more of the dates. This consisted of staying your tent and trying to relax her with a simple massage

Raven- She was always pretty laid back, so dates were almost everyday and pretty cute as well, there was a lot of messing with people or maybe just simple cuddling.

Lexa- I mean she's the damn Commander, she'd always try to show how strong she is to you, which you found absolutely adorable so when you went out on a 'date' it was her doing some awkward things to impress you and plenty time fucking as well. (Kay yes it happens stfu)

I thought this one was pretty cute, I have an imagine coming up since I finally got a request, so if you want one, check out the first page of the book,

I have no life so you won't be waiting to long for it to come out either so feel free to be as detailed as you want

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