Feelings for a grounder (Murphy)

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Jai's pov

These are the times I absolutely hate being a second to Indra. I always have to do the hunting and I rarely ever fight anymore because of my injury from acid fog about last week.

But I do what I'm told and I put on my war paint, grab my spear, and head out to hunt.

Even though I've been hunting sense my early years my adrenaline always goes up and off the roof when I'm hunting.

I heard a snap of a branch over to my left and I instinctively turn my front towards that direction scanning the area for movement.

I hear nothing for a movement but then I hear a loud thud and a intense groan.

That's no animal that's a human.

I quickly drop my guard because I can tell this is a hurt human. I look through the brush and I see a boy with dried blood over various places of his body. When he sees me over him he jumps and tries to craw away.

"No no I won't hurt you, I just want to help you." I repeat a couple times but he doesn't seem to be having it.

"No you're one of those psycho murdering no shit fucks given grounders." He says aggressively while continuing to crawl away.

"Look I got a spear in my hand right now if I was a 'psycho murdering no shit fucks given grounder' I think I would've used this by now." I say mimicking him.

"Smart ass" He mumbles but at least he's calmed down.

I kneel down to his side I see a couple cuts on his leg and arm. I take some extra cloth off of me and I use it to tie it around his cuts so he won't bleed out or get an infection. But on this one cut he gets very flinchy.

"Look I know it hurts but you gotta be still the pain will be a lot shorter if you let me do it correctly. " I tell him sternly. He nods and tenses up preparing himself for the pain.

"Thanks for the help..." He trails in the way he obviously is asking for my name.

"Jai, and you're welcome..." I mimic him again and he chuckles a little bit.

"Murphy." He says finishing the sentence off.

"So Murphy what's your story, how do I end up finding you like that?" I ask him.

"Well..." he begins, "I got banished for trying to hurt somebody... who in my opinion deserved it. In terms of justice. At first they hanged me but somebody cut me down and banished me instead."

"Oh shit-" I begin to start but he cuts me off obviously no longer wanting to talk about it.

"Yep it's been a long day..." he says slightly frustrated.

"How about you?" He asks.

"Uhm weird, I'm supposed to be off killing animals but instead I found a half dead looking boy and helped it." I say jokingly.

"That's how shit life goes." He jokes back in kind of a dark way. "I don't have a place to go to."

"I don't have a place to help you stay in, they aren't necessarily fond of sky people." I tell him awkwardly.

"That's alright I'm used to having to handle shit alone." He tells me making me feel slightly guilty.

"I'm sorry-" He cuts me off by surprisingly putting his lips onto mine.

I'm completely taken off guard and slightly in shock for a couple seconds. But soon enough everything sinks in and I accept the kiss, I enjoy the comfort and the contact. It's something I could get used too. He pulls away from me in a way that makes him seem surprised by his own actions.

"Oh shit, I really don't know what came over me-" he begins trying to explain him self but I return the favor and I interrupt him by placing my lips onto his.

If I'm going to be honest I might make a part two of this.

This imagine was requested by LmxoUrie remember to submit imagine requests through private message and be detailed please it helps very much.

PLEASE READ \/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

And also omg ya'll I feel so bad I got so many requests to be apart of my story and I really truly wish I could accept everybody but I've chosen my 3 people that will be participating.

But guys I have so many other story ideas i have in mind so this will most definitely not be a one time thing.

But for now I've made my decision on my people. And here are the people

LmxoUrie for jasper

-bellamyxblake for monty

deans_little_hunter for Bellamy

YourLocalTrashBag for Finn

Like i said Ily all you guys thank you for all your submissions

hope you enjoy the imagines and all that fuckin stuff

Peace the flippity flop out

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