Chapter 6

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*Marilyn's Point Of View*

Today was ok besides the fact that Evelyn finally came and was giving Me dirty looks. I didn't mind at all because I was looking forward to tonight. I swear time couldn't go faster. I'm in 7th period with Melissa and Bobbie. They both are  rambling about Austin well, mainly Melissa. Bobbie just sits and nods in amazement. Those two are something else. I start doodling in my book. I'm no artist. I can't even draw I just doodle. I look up and see Evelyn walking in looking mad yet sad. I wonder what's wrong. Part of me wants to go ask what's wrong but another part tell's me to stay out of it. Finally the bell rings and I walk out the class. I head To my car, but someone taps me on the shoulder. I turn around and it's Evelyn?, "uhh H-Hey Ev-Evelyn", I said hoping she won't hurt or threaten me. Yes I'm a wimp. "Uhh Hey I...uhh need your help? ", wait did I hear that right Evelyn Nicole Rudolph wants my help? ", "Umm what is it?", "can you-", she was cut off by Melissa. "Leave her alone why don't you get it! if you don't leave her I'll report you!", Evelyn looked mad but disappointed at the same time. She looked at me and then at Melissa And Bobbie And walked away. " What the hell is wrong with that chick are you ok Marilyn? ",I nod. "Yeah guys my mom is here I'll call yall later", "Alright have fun on your date!", they said in mocking unison. I roll my eye's. "guys it's not a date it's an thank-you dinner",  "what ever you say huns,  Bobbie your mom is here too I'll walk you to your car bye Marilyn! " bye Melissa bye Bobbie!,  ,they both waved and walked off I got in my car and drove home.... 
*few hours later *

Its 5:45! Michael is going to be here in a few minutes and mom is almost done making dinner. We are having tacos and salad and for desert; strawberry cheese cake. my favourite. After I sprayed myself with perfume, I walked downstairs and stopped at The front mirror and fix my navyblue  and pink stripped cocktail dress. I also fixed my braids back in a bun and sat in The leaving room.I sat there until I heard someone knocking on the door. "yes he is here alright no clumsiness no clumsiness", I said to myself. I open the door.....

*Michael's Point of View *

Marilyn opens the door. "wow" I whisper to myself, "Hey Michael  come in you look handsome ", She said pointing to me. I smile. "thanks and you look beautiful", I hand her one of the two roses I had. "Hey so this is the famous Mr. Jackson that Mari-", Marilyn's mother said while beaming at me. she was instantly cut off by Marilyn. "Uhh yeah the one I've been working on The project with.. yes ma it is, She said sounding a little embarrassed. I hand her mother the other rose I had. "Wow and a perfect gentleman please come in Michael", Thank-you Ms. Burgess", I walk in and sit in the living room. "Dinner is almost done please get comfy in the living room until I'm done no Marilyn give Michael the tour of the house", "Ok ma,  well M-Michael follow me", I get up and follow her. We tour the living room the and  dining room etc. We  stop at Marilyn's bedroom. "Well this is my room not much but hey it's mine!", I walk in and look around. It's small but I like it I go through some stuff. I see a picture of a little girl. I look at Marilyn. "uhh Marilyn may I ask who is this?", She walks over and looks at the picture and suddenly her smile kinda fades. "That's my uhh older s-sister she doesn't live with me", I wanted to ask why but looks like she was gonna tell me. "She lives with her grandparents, her father's family, she wasn't put in Foster Care like me ", she said and looked like she wanted to cry. I gave her a hug. I was speechless. She told me how she ended up in Foster care. it's crazy how people could just give a 7 year old up and separate her from her sibling. When she finished I wiped some of her tears with a tissue. "Marilyn don't cry you are too awesome", I said mimicking her voice. She giggled. "thanks I usually don't open up to people like this and I'm sorry everytime we really get to talk one of us is crying", I chuckled and grabbed her hand and looked at her. "What Michael?" she said looking away from my stare. "I'm just amazed at how you went through all that plus the crap you put up with at school and manage to have a smile on your face",  "ha-ha I wonder that too so what about you?", "Uhh what about me?", "I'm trying to read you but you are kinda hard to read", I hutch my shoulder's up. "Oh im sorry I don't have serious problems besides my heart getting broken", She nods. "I'm sorry about that you are too good to be treated like that can I ask you a question?", "Same for you and yeah shoot", I sit down and she slowly lifts my hand while sitting down."umm y-your h-hand it has blotches?  is that what you mean by your skin disorder is it part of it?", I look at her than at my hand.  I don't know how to answer that I was afraid of that. I am not ready to talk about not really. "Uhh it's-", I was cut off by her mom calling us for dinner. We stand up and I slowly let go of her hand and she walks ahead of me to the kitchen.  As she walked I notice stretch mark's on her calfs wow she is skinny and has stretch marks? I thought and then I slowly looked back up. "Wow she has a little shape", I was brought out of my thoughts by her mom "So Michael ready to eat?", I lick my lips playfully. "yes ma'am!",.... After dinner we talked awhile longer then Marilyn walked me outside. "I guess you left an impression on my mom..", "Ha-ha I guess thanks for inviting me and let me know when your mom makes strawberry cheese cake again that was amazing!", She giggles. "Ha-ha I surely will and you are welcome", It was silent. "Well I better go home and check on the family thanks again",  "alright Michael have a good night!" , "Same to you I turn around to head to my car but turn back around. "Hey Marilyn!?, "Yea? ", "You look really pretty in that dress", She is cheesing like crazy. Aww made her blush, "uhh th-thanks Michael", she saids looking down. "No problem well good night!,  "Night Michael!", she turns and closes the door. Wow she is so shy when I compliment her. I wonder why though?, I get in my car and head home. Once I pull up, I see a woman in my parents bed sheets. What the hell!?, I walk inside and call for mom. "mom!!", "Michael! you are home early?", she said confused but brokenly. She lookes like she has been crying and her hair is a mess. "Where is Joseph?, Mom what's going on?",  Oh yeah I never called my father dad, papa or anything it's a long story but that's how it is. She holds my shoulder. "Uhh Michael baby listen to me do you have a friend who's  house you can go to for tonight?", I nod. I lied I can't make plans to just pop up at someone's house.  She forces a smile. "ok well honey can you pack a bag just for the night? and please hurry I'll explain tomorrow", I nod still staring at her. She looked different. The lady i am looking at is not that beautiful happy woman that I call mom. "Ok", I rush up to my room and pack some stuff and ran back down stairs. She grabs my hand and slides money in it. "Here is bit of gas money, this is just for tonight ok honey? just go and call me tomorrow ok now hurry ",  I look at her for a second and she looks away crying. I Joseph walks in clearly angry. "where the hell is he going Katherine!?", She looks at me. I back away slowly. "He is going to a friend house Ok!", she turns her back to him and walks away but quickly turns back around. "Michael honey you can go now,And Joseph you can too, So please  take your shit and that little whore with you!!", I look at Joseph. Then looked at her. She was  crying. She looked up at me and gave me a look of pleading. So I didn't ask a question. I silently walked out to my car. "why God why where am I gonna go?", I sit in my car for awhile. Then I think of Marilyn. I hope she is up....
*Marilyn's Point Of View *

I hear a knock at the front door. I slowly  get out my bed. I check my moms room, she was sleep. I had a good night. I felt closer to Michael telling him more about me. But it was weird when I talked about his skin, but he was so sweet and my mom wouldn't stop talking about him when he left. I called my girls and they, as usual went crazy. I walked down the hall to the front door. Who could This be?, I open the door to see...Michael?.....

To Be Continued.....

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