Chapter 2

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I never really thought about being in love until Mom and Dad got divorced two years ago. Divorce was banned only a year ago.  My mom and dad were very unhappy with each other one night and got into a huge fight over how to raise me. I felt like a little doll, something that they felt they owned. I was heartbroken when they split over something as silly and stupid as that. I know what is right and wrong and Mom knows that. Dad seems to doubt that I am mature enough to make good choices although I have proven time and time again that I can. Every Sunday after church I talk to Sister McEllia, who runs the church. She knows what I am going through and she told me that it was just one of the many challenges that God would throw at me. She told me I just needed to roll with the punches and not let it bother me too much. This is why I really like her. She gives solid advice that not only makes sense but works and I feel that maybe she might have been through the same thing, but I am too shy to ask her. Even though I like her a lot, that is just the way I am. My dad says I need to learn to talk to people or I would never succeed as an adult. How many fights Mom and Dad have had over that I have no idea. I was walking home from the church after my visit with Sister McEllia when I tripped on a glass bottle and fell on the dirt road. The bottle shattered, and one of my sides felt really warm. I looked at it and it was completely red with blood.

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