Chapter 9

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Me and Danny talked for a while before he finally returned back to his own camp, which he showed to me so that I could come and go.After that I bade him good night and went back to my own camp where I put out the fire and crawled in my own tent. It did not take long for me to fall asleep. My dreams were awful. I dreamed of my parents looking for me . They wanted me to come home.

I yelled to them that I was there, but they didn't seem to hear me. It looked like they were alert to everything but me.
I also dreamed about Dustin.

He looked weak and pale, the result of hours of searching for me. I told him that I was there, but he couldn't seem to hear me. I walked up to him and shook him, still no response. I dropped to the ground and wept, with no hope of communicating to the rest of the world.
I was forgotten, no one could see me, I only existed as faint memories in the minds of others. This thought thoroughly terrified me, I was done with this dream. I shut my eyes tighter than I'd ever shut them before, then opened them. I was back in my tent in the woods. Light poked its way through the canvas. When I crawled out of my tent, the sun was rising. I watched the mix of red, purple and blue as if I'd never see it again. During this time I wondered something. In the heat of the moment I couldn't figure out why the guard had pointed a gun at me in the first place. I was so busy trying not to get killed that I couldn't think. Then it hit me like a sack of rocks. I was underage and I had two rings on my finger.

I'm an idiot! I thought to myself. How could I have not realised that before!?  Seriously! I guess it was just being so scared that all logic went out the window. Why would it be that he pulled a gun at me? That I was stumped by.

No time to worry, I thought to myself. I need food.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2018 ⏰

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