1. Back to a special place

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Christine's POV:

New Orleans, so many memories,where should I begin? This is the first place in the world where I felt free. The humans know about us and turn a blind eye, there are no werewolfs and somehow witches are not a problem anymore. I have to find what happened, but right know I don't care about it so much. Anyway,though I like New Orleans so much, I had to leave. Klaus found out a way to turn vampires into hybrids and I didn't want to, so I run away.

But this isn't our current issue. The thing is that my name is Christine, Christine Pierce. As you may know I'm Katherine's sister,who pretty much the whole world hates her but I don't. I think the idea of running for 500 years form an Original and and always escape,it's remarkable. We are twins, so we are look alike. She was turned with Rose's blood and I with Trevor's, but I managed to run away from Klaus, who wanted my sister for the curse back then, in order not to killing me. I haven't seen her from this day,only heard her achievements.

After my deep thoughts about my past, I decided to go for a coffee. When I got into the caffeteria, I order a cappucino and sat on a table. I had to find Klaus but I didn't have to rush because I had time so I decided to relax for a while.

I have been there for two hours when I decided to go to the hotel. I got up, and head to the door, when fell into a "pleasant" surprise. He didn't see me at first so I tried to put my head down and leave without a second thought. But it didn't work.

- Excuse me, I said

- Yeah...,he said

And I got out and run to my car believing that he didn't recognise but I wasn't so lucky. I suddenly felt someone behind me and I was right he was...

- Hello love...he said with his brittish accent.

- Kol..what an unpleasant surprise.

- Christine. And I thought you wouldn't talk to me.

- Yeah but I don't have any other choice so...

- Oh no you don't, he smirked.

- What to do you want ?

- I don't want anything, I just passed to say hi. You know you should call,see if I'm ok. You know how much fun we had together, and when I say fun,I mean fun fun.

- Oh yeah and I believe you now. And for your information, I didn't call, because some people need to be forgotten.

- You hurt my feelings, he said fakely sad.

- I don't care.

-Oh love I know you still care about me.

And when he told this I remembered our first meet. It was here in New Orleans,only 145 years before. I was in a bar and was drinking my bourbon when he came and started talking with his own way we all know. We became more than friends in no time, until his brother Klaus daggerred him and I never saw him again.

- You're wrong. I stopped when you were daggered by Klaus.

- Eww! Say whatever you want,but I'm sure that, deep in your heart you still have feelings for me.

And he was right I never stop caring about him, just stop thinking. It's like i decided to delete this memory, this feeling and now it came back.

- You want something else? I tried to chage the subject.

- YOU changing subject, which means you still want me... he said happily.

- NO! and I punced him in the stomach.

- Ouch !!! That hurt.

- Oh I'm sure you will be fine, I said ironically. Anyway, why are you here? I asked.

- Family businness. I'm trying to find about Klaus's curse.

- Klaus's curse? But it's been solved.

- Yeah I know, but I thought there is a way, his werewolf side to be shuttered again.

- And how can this happen?

-That's what I'm searching you know. he said ironicly. Are you really that dumb?

I gave him a "What did you say" look, and he laughed.

-You know, you're lovely when you do that.

- Kol! Can you just cut the crap and continue talking about the curse?

-Ok, so when you do a spell there's always a luppol,which allows you to undo it somehow.

-And why do you want to do this? Why do you want to shut his werewolf side?

- Because he is a hybrid,he is stronger and he can't be killed,so with the doppleganger's blood he can create hybrids.

- One way is to kill the doppleganger?

-Nop she was turned into a vampire recently.

- So that problem is solved

- Yeah until Klaus get the cure,give it to her and make her human again, because this is his plan.

- Yes but his will happen if he awake Silas.

And when I told this ,his face expression changed. He turned into a mean vampire,as his eyes started turning into black. Suddenly,he grab my hand and with vampire speed he sticked me to the wall and put his hands in my heart.

-Tell me what you know about Silas!

I was feeling a lot of pain but I finally managed to say..

-Kol what are you doing? I shouted with fear

-Tell me!! He said viciously and his hands started pulling my heart. The pain was too much.

- He...he is, I started saying with a huge effort.

-Tell me or I'll rip your heart out and cut you in pieces!!

-He is the.... most power...ful supernatural...being on earth.... I finally said.

But he didn't let me go but instead he pull my heart more.

I screamed so hard and he continued..

-And why we have to awake him? He shout.

- Because he has....it with...him and no....noone knows where..he is.

And finally he got his hand off my chest and I felt down. I was so weak that I couldn't get up.

-Thank you love! It wasn't so hard.

- Why...did you...do this to me?

-Don't take it personal love, you just were the one that told me about Silas, so I had to learn informations.

- I..hate...you...

- Those are big words.

- Go to hell.

- Oh talk to me better sweetheart, you might need me in the future.

- What?What....do you...mean?

-You'll see... and he just disappear.

-3rd person's POV-

Kol left and Christine managed to get up thought it was so difficult. She tried to walk and a few minutes later she found a human and drained him. She didn't want to but she had to.

She would do anything to survive! And that was nothing.


Okay guys! The first chapter is up, make sure to add this story on your library and keep your eyes open because greater things are coming.




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