8. Getting back to normal

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Chapter 8 – Getting back to normal

"Tell me! Tell me! Do you want to kill him?" he shouted while throwing me into one of the walls harshly. A voice was telling me to fight it, to not let my emotions fade away but I was torn. An internal battle was taking place inside my heart and the bad side was winning. It had taken all my willpower not to turn it off, for good this time. Marcel wasn't helping me much though.

"I...don't want to kill h-him" I hesitated. Getting slowly up from the ground was more difficult that I've imagined. Marcel was punishing me for not letting myself feel nothing. I couldn't do it. I had never done it and as sure as hell wouldn't do it now. He needs me to kill Klaus, that's why he hasn't killed me yet, but I wish he had already done it.

"You want to kill him. You want to turn off your emotions. Think about it, Christine! If you let yourself turn it off, all this will stop. The torture, the pain, everything will end. So...turn...it...off" his voice was dangerously calm but at the same time demanding.

"No. I won't let you win this time. You may have won back in 1920 but not again" I stated determined. I wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.

He let out a disappointed sigh and revealed a stake, making me hold my breath. I was supposed to feel relieved because the torture would finally end but knowing Marcel he wouldn't kill me, he would just make it worse.

"I'm not going to kill you, although I should have. I think I'm gonna give you a lesson, for not doing what I've asked" he threatened.

My fears were confirmed when Marcel run with his vampire speed towards me and shoved the stake into my stomach. "Once you kill him, I'll kill you before you even blink"

I sat up and gasped instantly for air. The dream I saw was just a terrifying memory of the time I spent those four months with Marcel. Thank god Klaus didn't wake up, I wouldn't be able to explain him about my time there. Marcel had managed to turn me into the thing I've hated the most, a pet, a servant like the ones who run around the city, doing anything he asks.

Klaus probably sensed that something was wrong with me because he sat up too and put his hand on my back, slowly starting to caress it. He pecked my shoulder before asking, "Is everything okay, love?"

I closed my eyes for a moment, remembering what I'd just seen; a horrible memory of one of the days I was being tormented by Marcel. The torture I went through made me realize that he was a terrible person who only wanted to destroy Klaus by using me, just to keep his power.

I had heard of him from Klaus who had mentioned him back in the 20's and had only good things to say, so when I met him four months ago I was definitely surprised when the man in front of me didn't remind me of anything from Klaus' words.

"Just a bad dream" I let out a sigh and looked at him, giving him a small smile.

Klaus didn't seem to believe that what I'd seen was just a nightmare because he didn't drop it. He scooted closer to me, our bodies now touching and placed his palm softly on my cheek before looking deeply into my eyes.

"Sweetheart, I know it wasn't just a bad dream. You can talk to me about it...I won't do anything stupid if that's what you're afraid of" He assured and waited expectantly for me to tell him.

I sighed again and took a minute, contemplating whether I should tell him or not. He had told me he wouldn't do anything stupid but when Klaus was angry, the emotions would always get the best of him.

"Okay...It was memory...When Marcel was holding me captive, he used to torture me in order for me to stop fighting back the spell Davina had casted upon me and let myself turn off my emotions permanently. That is what I saw..."

My darkest desire 》Klaus MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now