IV. rottura attraverso teorie

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Breaking through theories

Lunch had gone by quickly. My mind was full of what if's and how's. I had no idea it was even possible for there to be vampires living in Forks, even worse going to a high school. I was such an attraction for danger, that it wasn't even funny anymore. It was just a coincidence in Volterra, Italy, but for the bad luck to follow me to Forks, Washington. That was a sign.

"Bella?" Someone called my name and I turned swiftly to see who's voice it was I heard. I saw Angela, hurrying behind me.

"Oh hey Angela," I said with a little smile.

"What's your next class, again?" She asked, pulling the sleeves of her sweater down.

"Umm," I said looking at my schedule. "Biology II."

"Great, you can walk with me then," she replied, her smile genuine and sweet.

"Yeah, that sounds good."

We walked to class, silently, not daring to speak a word. I kept thinking about how nice Angela was. It was interesting that she wasn't rude or outright. Her shy personality made her even more likeable.

We made it into the class and Angela politely introduced me to the teacher, and quietly sat herself down.

"Well, Ms. Swan, your seat will be right," The teacher looked around for a bit before pointing to the one obvious seat that was open. "There." I looked where his finger was pointing to and saw the angelic face of Edward Cullen.

My brown eyes met his dark gold ones, but I immediately looked away in embarrassment. My cheeks flamed a bright red.

I slowly walked over to the lab table, not daring to make one wrong move. I didn't want to look clumsy and stupid in front of Edward. I mentally scolded myself. It was a bad situation, for me, to be trying to impress a vampire. Which I knew was near to impossible. I was a mere human; pathetic, breakable.

I sat in the seat and looked at Edward. He wasn't looking at me though, his eyes seemed to have grown darker, black almost. I cleared my throat to try to grab his attention, but I couldn't manage to. 

I watched his movements intently.

He gripped the table and scooted his seat to the very end of the counter. At first I didn't understand. I shook my head in confusion, then I heard it. The bottom of the desk breaking underneath his hands. It wasn't difficult for me to put the pieces together. I started to shy away from him and slid my stool to the end of the counter as well, just to try and make it easier for him, but I knew it wouldn't really help. 

He seemed to noticed my wise choice and started looking at me. I broke eye contact as soon as I saw his black eyes. They were charcoal and I knew that wasn't good; fear rippled through me. My hand shot straight up in the air.

"Yes, Ms. Swan?" The teacher asked, looking at me. 

"May I be excused?" I asked quickly. The teacher looked at my eager face and his eyes became suspicious. 

"You should've thought about the bathroom during your lunch break. You can hold it for a little while longer." 

My face had lost all color, and I forced myself to take deep breaths. I had to get out of there, if I didn't I could be sure that there would be blood spilt. And that it would be mine.

It wasn't just for my sake, I could only imagine how much discipline it was taking Edward to not kill me right that instant. Not even to mention the pain he had to be in. From his posture, it was obvious that something had made him extremely uncomfortable.

I skimmed through all my memories with the Alec and Jane, trying my best to put the pieces together. I remembered that Jane had said I smelled very sweet, and if it wasn't for her very full diet, she would've been tempted to . . . well, she never finished, but I could only guess.

But, were the Cullens' diet not satisfying enough? I mean, it seemed that they had a vast array of choices for meals. I laughed at myself as I thought the theory that maybe the vampires were the reason that the population here in Forks was so scarce. And then that brought up another question, with so many of them, how could they keep such a low profile?

I shook my head. Maybe they had extra control, were older than most vampires, and could keep themselves tame. And what about their eyes? I had already thought about colored contacts, but that seemed too troublesome. 

My thoughts were racing past me, too quick for me to pick anything up and take it into consideration. That's when I remembered something that Jane had told me. It was when she and Alec would come to visit me and they hadn't fed in a while. Although these times were rare, they still happened. Jane would tell me to put my hair up, it somehow keep the breeze from blowing my scent around. I was pretty sure that the only thing that was "blowing my scent around" was the fan in the front of the room. It probably wouldn't do much, but I had to try and help somehow. So I took a rubber band that was on the counter and pulled my hair up, out of my face. 

I could feel his eyes on me, he was watching me intently. But I wouldn't dare meet his dark stare, I couldn't trust myself enough to assure that I wouldn't scream at the top of my lungs. I kept my head straight ahead, and my gaze down. I pretended to sloppily doodle in my journal. I did anything that looked like something a normal, bored teenage girl would do. I tried to keep my breath low and my fear to a minimum. 

When the bell finally rang I let out the biggest sigh of relief as I felt a gust of wind. I looked to where he had been sitting, and all that was there was a school book left on the table. Edward had been using all the restraint that he could muster, and he was fighting the urge hurt me. That was all I could think about for the rest of the day. People talked to me and I tried my best to listen, but it was harder to keep my thoughts on track with Edward's eyes glued in my mind. Not the golden ones I had seen before, but the dark, black ones that looked endless. 

And that is what haunted my dreams that night. 

a/n: I didn't know how else to write this chapter. I know there is a lot of repetition throughout this part, but pls stick w me, I promise I'll try harder to be consistent with my updates. I have just been out of town and such for a couple of weeks and I'm finally getting back into the swing of things. Also, I should let you know that slow updates tend to happen once school is back in session and unluckily I start a week from today. So not hooray. Lol, so just thought I'd update you and remind you guys that I love all of you that support me and such. Thank you for being true! :) -Syd

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2015 ⏰

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