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I might have some names wrong and wrong facts about this movie so beforehand I'm sorry and no hate

Third POV

Vanessa is taking her box into her new house with her dad and stepmother along with her two step-siblings. "Hey, babe are you okay?" Zak said walking up to his daughter. "Yeah dad I'm good," Vanessa said fixing the boxes into groups "What are you doing," Zak asked looking around at the truck "You see Jay and her kids went to see what is the hold up with the beds. So I just thought that I should just put everyone boxes into their own group" Vanessa said while making movements with her hands. "Won't that take long?" Zak asked confused. "Kinda but I don't have anything else to do so I thought why not" Vanessa replied. Zak laughs because Vanessa would always help out but won't do it from the kindness from her heart but rather just because she is bored "Look at those arms, they are getting bigger from all the work you do," Zak said teasing Vanessa poking her arms. "I learn from the best " Vanessa said winking at her dad

"Already don't come in I'm painting and you never know how you can react from the smell of the paint already bud," Zak said while walking away. "I wasn't thinking about it " Vanessa said

A couple house down Scotty and Benny were saying goodbye to each other. "Hey look Benny there someone is moving in front of you," Scotty said pointing at Vanessa moving the boxes. "Yeah, I can see that Smalls" Benny while looking at Vanessa.

Benny never had a girlfriend because he cares baseball and that all. But he is must admit Vanessa was a beautiful person.

"I'm got go and say hey wanna come, Benny?" Smalls asked Benny "Nah man I have to go to my house see ya, " Benny said walking to his house but turn around to see Smalls talking to the new girl but he can't help but notice how Vanessa has her cap backward and she has a jersey of basketball and black rip jeans. He threw all those thoughts to the back of his brain. Turn around and went inside his house

"Hey I'm Scotty Smalls and I can't help but notice that you are new here," Smalls said shy and pull out his hand for her to shake. "Um well you are right I'm new. Hey, Scotty nice to meet you. I'm Vanessa Bagans" Vanessa said taking Smalls hand "You can call me Smalls that what my friends call me," Smalls said smiling dorky. "Alright Smalls" Vanessa said smiling back. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?" Smarts asked "Nope," Vanessa said going back to what she was doing "Will you like to come with me and my friends. I see that you have a basketball jersey but we play baseball. Are you any good"Smalls asked. 

"She's good at every sport so yeah she good" Zak came out of the house. "Smalls this my dad Zak and dad this Scotty Smalls" Vanessa informed. "Nice to meet you sir and welcome to the neighborhood," Smalls said "Same goes back to you bud anyways Jay got held back and it's 2 hours drive back. So she is staying in a hotel so she won't come back until tomorrow. I just wanted to fill you in. Anyways, I got to go inside. nice to meet you again Smalls" Zak said running back into the house. 

"Who is Jay, if you don't mind me asking" Smalls questioned"Jay is my stepmom and she has two kids Louis and Fizzy" Vanessa fills in "Alright well I got go to my house," Smalls said, walking backward. "Alright Smalls nice to talk to you see ya," Vanessa said waving

"Oh yeah if you are not doing anything tomorrow will you like to come and play baseball with us." Smalls asked Vanessa. "I would love to Smalls," Vanessa said "Alright see ya," Smalls said walking away and into his house

"Hey Scotty, where were you" Marie his mom, asked. "I was just talking to our new neighbor," Smalls said "Well that nice of you. We should invite them over for dinner" Bill said looking at his wife for her answer. "Sure go over there Scotty and asked them," Marie said. "Alright mom" Smalls said walking over her house and knock the door

Zak opens the door."Hey, Scotty what's up " Zak asked "Hey Mr.Bagans I was wondering if you would like to come over for dinner with my family tonight" Smalls ask shy. "Call me Zak and sure I would love to. What time should we be there also where do you live " Zak answer. "Alright and around 7 and I live in that pink house," Smalls said pointing to his house. "Alright I will," Zak said nodding and closing the door

Smalls went back and inform his parents

At 7 Pm

Jay and her kids came back. So they all dress up and went over to Smalls's house. Zak knocks. And Bill opens the door"Hello I'm Bill and this my wife Marie and of course our son Scotty" Bill said pointing at them. "I'm Zak and this is my girlfriend, Jay, and her children, Louis and Fizzy. This my daughter, Vanessa" Zak pointing to each other

"Nice to meet you and come in " Bill open the door for them. They are all sitting down and eating down. "So Vanessa, Louis and Fizzy tell me something about you guys," Bill asked. "Well I'm 17 and play soccer," Louis said. "I'm 15 and I like dancing and singing," Fizzy said."I'm 14 and I like to play any sports but I'm favorite is soccer and I also dance and sing," Vanessa said

"What are you got to do this summer," Marie asked. "Um I'm just got the job in the swimming pool center," Louis said. "I actually just got into a dance school," Fizzy said smiling. " I'm just trying to make friends and tomorrow Smalls just asked to come with him to play with his friends," Vanessa said pointing at Smalls

"That very nice of him, " Bill said looking at Smalls. "Yeah so thank you, Smalls," Vanessa said

Better Than I Know Myself (BENNY RODRIGUEZ) EDITING IN ACTIONWhere stories live. Discover now