Chapter 2

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*Jungkook's POV*

               So today is my first day at Seoul School of Performing Arts. My family had to move here because my dad got a job promotion and it included moving to Seoul. I lived in Busan and life was great there.... I had many friends and a lot of girls adored me. They still contact me until now but you know, I just leave them hanging.

               I woke up in the morning and got ready for school. As I rushed downstairs my parents already left for work and my older brother is not home because he is in the army. Then again, my mom forgot to make me some food. She's forgetful sometimes as she works really hard and come home late. I decided to just go and buy food from the mini mart on the street near my house. I put on my shoes, took out my earphones and plugged it into my phone. I turned on my favourite song and started walking towards the mini mart. I went inside and grabbed some spicy cup noodles and went to the till to pay for it. The person also poured hot water in it because I asked to.

               Enjoying my noodles during a cold day outside while walking to school sure feels great. I went to the bus stop and I saw this girl wearing the same uniform as I am. She looked as if she was sleeping so I decided to not disturb her and I just got on the bus. A few seconds later after the bus drove away I still could see the bus stop and I saw her waking up. She looked shocked and she looked really pretty.... I smirked without even noticing.

               The bus finally stopped and I got off. I took my earphones off and kept it, along with my phone in my pocket. I took a deep breath and walked towards the main gate. While walking, a bunch of girls were whispering and giggling while staring at me. As I am the most charming man alive, I smiled at them and they giggled even more. I suddenly had a feeling that today will be a great new start. Last night I received an email from the school saying that I need to go to the administration office to get my class, class schedules, and also my locker number. I went there, I went in and immediately asked for my schedules, what class I am in, and my locker number. They also gave me the books I needed for the semester. I took it and went out to go to my locker. I keyed in the code they gave me on the small sheet of paper and then it opened and I quickly shoved all my books inside. I took a look at my schedule and walked casually to class. And again, a lot of girls were smiling at me and giggling when they saw me, so I just returned the favour and smiled back at them.

               I arrived to class on time and I chose to take a seat in the last row in the edge near the wall. A few minutes later in class, a person knocked on the door and walked in. A girl with long black hair, with pretty eyes and dressed very neatly in her uniform. Then it came to my sense, she's the one I saw in the bus stop!!! The one sleeping!!! "Ms. Lee, you're late.... Well, it's okay since it's your first time anyway. Go take a seat," the teacher said to her. She immediately took a seat right next to me. I was happy at first, but I wondered why this one girl can make me feel this way. It felt different than all the other girls I hung around with.

               "Okay class, this will be your term project," the teacher said while writing down the assignment on the board. I didn't care about it so I dozed off to dreamland.

*School Bell Rings*

               I was awaken by the sound of the bell and everyone else were doing their own things during recess. I decided to go out and walk around the school. As I was walking, I saw this person getting bullied by a bunch of people, I decided to take a look since I love fights and I used to fight a lot in my old school.... "Hey punk give me your lunch money!!!!" I heard one bully saying that to the helpless kid who was cornered to the lockers. Another person kicked him so I decided to stop this fued. "Hey hey hey people... It's the first day... Why fight? Let's all just get along okay?" I said in a very chill tone and they seemed to not like it... "Oh look... A new pretty boy! Guys, tell him what happened to pretty boys around here," one of them said and he looks like the leader of the gang. I shook my head while smiling and one of them tried to punch me but I dodged it. Another one tried to kick me but he ended up kicking his friend. I kicked the leader in his "area" and he screamed like there was no tomorrow. "You better watch out new kid, you think this is over? WELL IT'S NOT!!!" the others had to carry the "leader" and they all ran for the lives. That was too easy......

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