Chapter 10

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*Your POV*

The streets were really busy as everyone was rushing home from their respective jobs to their respective homes. Good thing Yuri's school was only a few blocks away so we do not have to go through that much of a crowd. The walk was complete silence. Jungkook did not try to start a conversation.... Weird. He is usually very playful and talkative, but this time it looked like something was up in his mind. It seemed like something was bothering him. "So Jungkook, which area do you live in here?" breaking the silence, I bluntly asked him. "I actually live quite near from your house," he looked at me and smiled. His smile is very warm and comforting.

I dug through my bag to look for my phone then someone came running in a flash. A man snatched my bag away from me. "YAHHH!!! HEY COME BACK!!!" I ran as fast as I could with a feeling like I was about to collapse. The man ran inside an alley and I followed him. "Wait!!! Stop!" I panted and stopped running. Looking up, I saw Jungkook holding my bag and the man who tried to steal it was on the floor, unconscious. "How did you-" I got interrupted. 

"You were too busy running and paying attention to the guy to the point that you didn't realize that I was running ahead," he handed me my bag. "Thank you," I said. I've been so mean to him... saying thank you was the shittiest good thing I could repay him with.

Maybe Jungkook is not a bad kid after all.

*Time Skip*

"Unnie!!!! What took you so long???!!" Yuri whined as she stood up from the bench near the school's main gate. "And why is Jungkook oppa here?" she asked. I became shocked and confused. Before I could even say a single word, Jungkook grabbed Yuri by the wrist and whispered something to her ear. She nodded her head and I raised my left eyebrow. "How do you know his name Yuri?" I grabbed her from Jungkook. "Ummm... I saw the name tag on his shirt," I looked at his shirt and turns out he was wearing a name tag. How did I not realize it since the beginning of the day?

"Ohh... Silly me," I laughed it off. "Let's go home Yuri. Oh and eomma and appa are not going to come home tonight. They're staying at our aunt's because the car broke down," Yuri nodded her head. "And who wears a name tag nowadays? You're such a dork!!!" I gently punch his shoulder and laughed. "But I'm your dork," he is so flirty and I just giggled to his statement.

Arriving to my well-arranged home, I unlocked the door and walked in together with Yuri and Jungkook. "Jungkook oppa, aren't you gonna go home now? It's already late," Yuri asked him. "No it's fine Yuri, I'm staying here for the night," Yuri jumped for joy. She seemed to look like she was close with Jungkook... But they have never met before.

*Yuri's POV*

Jungkook oppa is back!!!! Where was he all this time??? He is the best older brother figure I have. Does unnie remember? I quickly ran upstairs to my room leaving unnie and Jungkook oppa downstairs.

*Your POV*

How the hell do they seem so familiar with one another? I'm confused.




Okay, this is a really short update XD

I was in a hurry hahahah but ENJOYYY BABIESSS!!!

How does Yuri know Jungkook?

Are your minds fucked up? *smirks evily*

Find out in the next chapters :3

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