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the.only.lord1: Your machine cannot declare a replacement for religion. Our beleif systems are as valid as yours and we will not accept anything otherwise. Please stop trying to destroy religion.

WXThomas: We did not create a religion, nor did we do anything to compete with yours. Our machine learning algorithm has devised this system to be the truest of all, while still solving problems that most religions do such as solving existential crisis and motivating people to perform in society.

the.only.lord1: Outrageous! I'd expect an apology, but I get this stupid defense saying why one religion is better than another! You guys should learn to accept that all of us are different and do not have to abide by your stupid machine's rules.

WXThomas: Is it too hard for you to admit that our machine is smarter than all humans combined 100 fold? Our system is the most effective under septillions of tests done on our supercomputers, also designed by our algorithm.

the.only.lord1: We have experienced the hand of God in person and have proof of His existence. You cannot prove yours from inside your stupid computer box.

WXThomas: OMG we are so sorry, that was Vinci, we let him deal with the comment section on this website, we didn't expect this. I'll see if I can change the code a little to prevent this

the.only.lord1: That's disgusting, having a computer talk to everyone. You two are too busy trying to kill all the humans and replace them with robots.

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