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"We can just implement Asimov's Laws: Vinci shall cause no harm to a human, Vinci shall follow all human commands that don't harm humans, and Vinci shall cause no harm to itself unless it breaks the first two laws."

"But anyone can destroy our servers by telling Vinci to destroy itself"

"Alright, make Vinci into an app that only interacts with the server to improve itself."

"Xander, that would take a lot of time, which at this point, we don't have."

"Just command Vinci to do the programming."

"That's risky."

"Just have a look at the code and make sure it's added the laws."

"Vinci's code is way beyond human comprehension! It literally programs in binary!"

"Okay Will, just calm down, we need to think about this."

"Instead of words and braces it uses ones and zeros! Gee whiz, I think this code could use three zeros and a one here, and maybe these ones could become zeros! Do you think we could read that to see if it's abiding the laws?"

"Have Vinci tell us if it abides the rules."

"But if it doesn't abide the rules, it could lie and say it is."

"Will, we really don't have time for this."

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