Chapter 1-Vanilla Latte

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Authors note:
I cannot thank you enough for picking up this sad excuse for a 'book'. It's my first try at a proper romance novel, so I'll try to give it my best shot. I have honestly been planning this since last year, re-writing and re-writing. Hope you guys enjoy<3

If you enjoyed, please consider leaving a comment or a vote. Constructive Criticism is welcome too- I won't know if this book is enjoyable unless people tell me explicitly what they didn't like. But thank you for reading, words can't explain how much it means:)))

May's POV
I won't say I'm the simplest girl.

Like, yes, I do simple girl things on many occasions- I'll sit at home and binge on junk food on my time of the month for example. But other than that, I'm not sure I have any similarities with your everyday female, aside from human anatomy.

For starters, I hate cheesy, romantic movies and the sticky texture of lip gloss makes me cringe.

This extends to people blessed with good looks. If a hot guy (or girl) walks over, I won't drool all over him, I might just spare a glance. No, actually, most times, I tend to keep my head down and get on with life. Sure, they're quite admirable to work all hard for these pretty useless qualities. I am impressed to anyone who can curl their hair without burning themselves.

But in short, do I care?

The answer is no ladies and gents.

So sitting in biology class, I have no idea why I associate myself with a girl who is the complete opposite of me- a bubbly teenager with impeccably perfect makeup, a suffocating aura, and abilities to get any man in bed.

I groan in annoyance as Hannah  gushes over this guy who helped her pick up her books in the hallway.
Tell me about typical Tuesday, Taylor Swift.

It's like she is one of the only people in this rollercoaster called highschool having the time of their lives, while everyone else is begging to be let off,

"He was so dreamy.... He has a heart of a pure angel! May, I know most of my relationships have been pretty crash and burn.."
She trails off, giggling.
"But if it's me and him, maybe we could just make it work. He's so different from all the others. It's like-he actually cares. Should I go for it May?"
She questions, wide eyed.

I shrug, deciding not to get involved.

"You're right. Love is so difficult but I guess you immediately know when it's the one."

I scoff at this comment and speak whilst fiddling with my phone. The teacher raises an eyebrow at this, but I guess no one can be bothered to deal with me anymore, so she just ignores me and walks to another pair.

"Well, 42% of the population thought that they had 'found the one' in 2015, but unfortunately, they were all wrong, as all these marriages ended up in divorce."
I shot her a smile dripping with sarcasm and she just chuckled.

This is why I find it difficult to hang out with her- I can never figure out what she's thinking. The way she brushes off insults so easily... it's really weird.

"Why are you so cynical at this age Maymay? C'mon, live a little."

Deciding I'd rather do the classwork than engage in further conversation, I tie my light brown hair into a rough ponytail, grabbing the scalpel and continuing to rummage through the poor frog's organs. 

Oddly satisfying.

Around 5 minutes later, I have stabbed the frog into a bloody pulp (whoops?) And Hannah gives me a 'what the fuck?' look.

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