Chapter 1

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Author's Note: My inspiration for this is from nirejseki "Nature vs. Nuture" and I recommend you check it out, it's on AO3. P.O.V. will vary and all ships will be determined later. I don't own the show or any of the characters except for the OC I made up named KC Baxter. I also don't own the picture above. Also, in episode 1 Hawkgirl and Hawkman had their masks on while on the rooftop. This story is a multi-chapter AU and I used many of the lines from the show in this chapter.

Jax's P.O.V.

What happened? Oh right. A British guy knocked me and Stein out. Wait, where are? I try opening my eyes and see Stein and 7 others lying on a rooftop. The British guy is nowhere in sight.

Heatwave groaned "My head."

"Stein?" says Caption Cold "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I'm as ignorant as you for once." Stein says sitting up.

"Where are we?" a blonde girl asks looking pissed.

"Why don't you ask the dude who knocked us out and kidnapped us. You know, British dude with a flash thing ring any bells?" I ask.

"The names Rip Hunter," says the British guy, drawing everyone's attention. "I am from East London. Oh, and the future."

"Nice to meet you Rip." Says Heatwave reaching for his gun as he stands.

"Ah, while you were, uh, incapacitated. I may have, uh, tampered with your weapons and given everyone with powers a sedative to temporally shut down them." Rip says nervously.

"Then it's a good thing sedatives don't work on me." The short, blue-eyed, redhead in her late teens/early 20s, wearing dark red lipstick, a red leather jacket and high heels said before her smile dropped. Her eyes turned yellow and black veins appeared on her face, neck and arms, and she grew fangs. In seconds she moved in front of Rip and used one hand to lift him 4 feet off the ground.

"Whoa!" Rip says clearly surprised and scared, "I assembled you all here because I need your help to save the world! Now please put me down, Ms. Baxter!"

The girl just growled and shouted "How do you know my name?!" tightening her grip.

"Red, put him down, I want answers from him and that can't happen if you kill him. Besides if he's lying about being from the future you can kill him," Cold said walking towards them with Heatwave.

Red growled and threw Rip to the ground. He got to his feet fast, "Talk!" Red shouted her eyes flaring with rage.

"Your name is KC Baxter, a world class thief. You discovered your powers when you were 6 - your 6th birthday to be more precise. On that same day your parents betrayed you and you had to kill someone." Rip paused letting it sink in.

6! A 6 year old got powers and killed someone.

"It was the first time you had to kill and it was in self-defense. You almost died. You been a member of the Rogues since you were 12. They gave you the nickname Ghost because when you would steal, your victims wouldn't realize something was missing until you were gone. As far as the Flash and his friends know you're a meta-human." Rip turns from a shocked KC to Cold, "Leonard Snart, aka Captain Cold, a world class thief, you are the leader of the Rogues. You have an IQ of 192 and an eidetic memory,"

Wait what?!

"That all you got?" Leonard said bored, giving off the vibe he already knew this information.

"When you were 12, on your first day of juvie, you were almost killed by a schiv in a fight against 6 older boys. All the guards turned a blind eye because your dad was a badge turned con and they thought it was poetic justice. The only reason you lived was because Mick Rory, aka Heatwave, world class thief and member of the Rogues, saved your life. Isn't that how the 2 of you met?" Rip pointed back and forth between Cold and Heatwave and turned from the pissed off Snart to Rory. "When you were 8, your house caught on fire and the firemen were only able to save you. Your parents and brothers died in the fire. You got your heat gun after you helped Cold and his younger sister Lisa Snart, aka Golden Glider, kidnap Cisco Ramon. You forced him to repair Snart's cold gun, make your heat gun and make Lisa's gold gun by using Ramon's kidnapped brother Dante as leverage. In addition, Cold got the Flash's secret identity out of Cisco. I would have invited Lisa but her track record on your ...uh ... jobs... seemed kind of flaky." He finished before turning to the blonde girl, "Sara Lance, aka the Canary, the original Canary to be exact. As a child you had a pet canary and you used that as a genesis for your name when you joined the League of Assassins. You were found and trained by the League on the 2nd year when the world believed you were dead. You were released from the League after 4 years, after you attempted to commit suicide with cobra venom to get out. You rejoined to get the League to help the Arrow and his allies against Slade. Last year you were killed, but several months ago your sister, who became the Black Canary after you died, brought you back to life using the League's magic pit." Rip turned to the guy in the metal suit, "Ray Palmer, aka the Atom, is the inventor of the Atom suit which allows him to shrink to the size of an atom." Rip turns to me and Stein, "Jefferson Jackson and Professor Martin Stein are meta-humans who can combine to form a nuclear powered superhero called Firestorm." He turns to the 2 people wearing hawk helmets/masks, "Kendra Sanders, aka Hawkgirl, and Carter Hall, aka Hawkman, have reincarnated for over 4,000 years and are the only people capable of killing the immortal Vandal Savage. Who, by the way, can regrow himself from a single atom if one of you 2 doesn't deliver the death blow. This is why he is still alive and is the reason I was tasked with forming a team to travel through time and space to stop him from becoming a director who will destroy the world." Rip let out a huff and waited a second for everyone's shock to pass before asking, "So are you all in?"

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