I want to die

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Phil's POV // Is it by mistake or design? I feel so alone on a Friday night...

My father isn't asleep.

As soon as I walk in the door, he runs out of the living room, a whisky bottle in his hand. He charges down the hallway towards me.

Oh no.

"I saw you with that boy!" He screams in my face.

"I saw you kiss that boy! What kind of man are you? WHAT KIND OF MAN ARE YOU?"

My breath hitches and he shoves me down onto the sharp, broken timber on the patio, I can feel my back pulse with pain as it hits the splinter of wood jutting out from the side of the door frame.

"WHAT KIND OF SON ARE YOU?" He screams as he pounds his fists into the flesh of my stomach. I can feel my organs tremble and convulse as his knuckles come down on my bedraggled body again and again.


It feels as if my heart is breaking. For real. I start to feel dizzy.

My father grabs the empty whiskey bottle that he left in the hallway and he smashes it against the timber floor of the patio. The bottom of it shatters and I feel a tiny piece of it land in my eye. I cry out in agony. He takes a sharp shattered piece of glass from the bottle and holds it right to my throat.

"What kind of son are you?" He whispers.

I use my all. Despite the immense pain. Despite the glass in my eye. Despite the man hovering above me, dominating and deranged, being my father.

I kick him right in the stomach and he goes sprawling and stumbling through the hallway.

"You are not my father." I tell him.

He looks at me in shock. His lips parted and his eyes wide.

And I run.

I run from reality.

I'm crying.

I want to die.

It's been a long time.

I want to die.

This wretched life.

This cruel world.

Please let me die.

I feel so alone. It's dark now and the moon hangs from the clouds and the stars are shattered. The trees whisper.

And I want to die.

This is a new kind of lonely. This is a kind of lonely that cuts deep right through your thoughts and distracts you from everything and everyone around you.

But I am not alone.


Wowza the intenseometer is high in this one


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