Saturday 6th June.

365 5 4

AN: Hey guys, I'm so sorry this has taken me so long to upload I have a terrible week, Two drama exams, three shows and a tone of revision for Monday, I tell you one thing I hate year 11.

Rachel x


Caroline's POV

"Babe." I heard someone whispered in my ear "Come on babe wake up."

"Go away." I moaned pushing away the person laying next to me, hearing a cheeky giggle I opened my eyes to see Olly lying there right next to me.

"Good morning lazy." He said giving me a soft kiss.

"Morning," I muttered wrapping the sheets around me. "Last night was great; I never knew that you were so romantic." I told him kissing his lips before pulling away and snuggling into his chest.

"You just wait until you see the wedding."

"So it's still on?"

"Yep, I won't even let you think the wedding is cancelled anymore."

"You know we kind of broke the rules."

"Oh well I wanted to say sorry." He told me kissing me on the forehead before picking up his phone and looking at the time. 10:30

"I love you."I told him as I kissed him again.

"I love you to Cazza." He muttered into my lips.

"CAROLINE." I heard Faye's voice shout through the house. Shit. Before I even had a chance to jump out of bed and get some clothes on the door barged open and saw an embarrassed looking Faye stood there covering her eyes with her hands.

"EW, guys come on this is not what I want to see in a morning."

"Faye fuck off." He moaned.

"Olly stop." I told him covering him up a little bit.

"Whatever anyway Olly you should get going you've got a wedding to plan."

"She's right I've got to go." He told getting out of bed a grabbing some clothes to dress into. I also got out of bed putting on an oversized t-shirt of Olly's

"I'm gonna miss you." I said as I wrapped my arms around his torso.

"I'll miss you to Caz." He said turning around in my arms and kissing me.

Walking out into the living room I could see Louie sat on the sofa watching In the night garden. As Olly left the room Louie looked up and ran over to him shouting his name. As he ran towards him Olly picked Louie up and spun him around, before placing him on his hip then coming towards me and placing a small kiss on my lips.

"Well don't we look like a happy family?" Faye asked as she walked in with a mug in her hand.

"Before we become a family Faye, Olly has to plan the wedding." I told her when I said this Olly laughed placing a kiss on my forehead.

"We'll now that you said that I better be of got this thing to plan, it's not very important though." He winked; I just giggled at him and smacked his bottom shaking my head at him. Putting Louie down Olly grabbed a bag full of some clean clothes that he'd just got out of his wardrobe. I followed him as he walked over towards the door. He stop turning round and pulling me into his arms. Placing his lips on mine he kissed me like there was no tomorrow, as he tried to deepen the kiss. We heard Faye muttered something about keeping it PG. Laughing at his sister Olly opened the door kissing my lips one more time before walking over towards his car. Oh god it's like when he first left, I will not cry this time though. As the car drove of I closed the door before walking over to sit next to Faye. Picking up the invitation I looked at the date. 14th June. Wait what's the date? Looking at the calendar on my phone I saw that it's the 6th, which means Olly only has 8 day left to plan the wedding.

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