Friday 13th June.

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Hello again, sorry I haven't updated. I'm curently being inspired by The Script, The Vamps, Olly Murs as I write. Enjoy.

Rachel x


Caroline's POV

Friday 13th June 2013. It read on my calendar the day before my wedding. I'm marrying Olly Murs tomorrow. Oh my god I'm going to officially be Mrs Olly Murs tomorrow. I get to try on my dress today. Shit its Friday the 13th anything could go wrong. These were all the things running through my mind as I drank my morning coffee in the kitchen. I hope he's picked a nice. I hope the venue is nice. I hope he's picked the right rings. I hope the wedding goes okay.

"You look like your thinking to hard." Faye told me as she entered the Kitchen.

"I am thinking to hard, im getting married tomorrow." I shouted at her grinning from ear to ear.

"I know I can't wait." She screamed back at me. Hearing a little cry I looked at Faye I think we just woke her son up.

"Sorry Faye." I told her giving her a sympathetic smile.

"It's okay; he needs to get up so you can go try on your dress." She squealed again as she walked of to get Louie ready for the big day ahead of us.


A couple of hours later me, mum, Faye, Jody, Vicki-Lynn and of course little Louie were on our way to the bridal shop were my dress was waiting. As we pulled up to a small shop that was just outside the town centre. Shit this was where my nerves started to kick in. grabbing hold of Faye's she gave me it a quick squeeze before opening the car door and getting out with Louie. Following Faye out of the car I took hold of Louie other hand, swinging him about with Faye. Faye let go of Louie hand so he could open the door. He's such a cute child. I can't wait till me and Olly have a child. Wait did I just say that. Okay Caroline lets wait till your married, and then think about kids. Walking into the shop I could see some dresses that I loved and some that looked horrible and tacky. Looking around I saw a women stood behind a desk, walking towards her I automatically got her attention.

"Caroline Flack?" She asked.

"That's me!" I told her.

"My names Jane, your dress is through here follow me; your family can wait over there." She told me pointing over towards a sofa in front of a curtain, Jane walked over towards the curtain I followed her behind there. Inside the dressing room there was a pink bag that was hung up. That's my dress. Getting giddy I smiled at Jane as she closed the curtains before walking over to the bag and pulling the zip down.

I couldn't help but gasp...


Olly's POV

Oh my god im getting married tomorrow. I'M GETTING MARRIED TOMORROW! I actually cant wait.

"Olly come on me need to sort out the reception space." Dermot told me breaking me from my thoughts and dragging me away from the room where the ceremony is going to take place. Dragging me towards the door of the reception area. Looking over the balcony I could see that they had already set up the stage where the entertainment and speeches will take place, they had also set up the dance floor and the tables that we needed. We had a head table and then about 20 circle shaped tables throughout the room. Once I walked around the room to see some of the work that we had done yesterday. I could see that the tables need to be decorated. Running down the stairs I could here Dermot following me down.

"Okay Dermot these tables need to be decorated." I told him handing some table cloths which he passed over to some of the people that were helping us out, including Sarah and the band.

"Okay guys, so we need the white cloth on the table with the table favours in the middle...actually just copy that on over there. Thanks for that Dermot." Everyone nodded before going off to there own tables. Sarah stayed with me as we decorated a table together.

"I love how each table name is named after on of you're songs." She told me as we place the cloth on the table.

"I always told her that I would write a song about her."

"I'm glad you met Caroline and I cant wait for you to marry her tomorrow." She told me as she places "Troublemaker" on the table.

"Thank you Sarah." I muttered as I pulled her into a bear hug.

"OLLY IS THE HEAD TABLE CALLED RIGHT PLACE RIGHT TIME?" I heard Dermot shout from the other side of the room.

"YES!" I shouted back as Sarah laughed at the both of us.

Oh god I hope Caroline likes her dress because I can't wait to marry her tomorrow.


Caroline's POV

It's beautiful.

I cant help it im crying. I cant believe he could chose a dress this beautiful yet he doesn't know how to put something in a envelope. Laughing at myself I reached out to feel the material of the dress.

"do you like it?" Jane asked me as she pulled the dress out of the bag. Icouldnt produce any words at the minute so I just nodded.

"Do you want to try it on?" She asked me, I just nodded again as she took the dress off the hanger.


"Come on Caroline, I want to see this dress." I heard Faye shout through the curtain. Jane walked over to open the curtains as soon as she opened them I could see myself in the mirror this dress is beautiful. The v-neck suited me perfectly and I was just the right height for the dress not to drag along the floor, the sparkles on my shoulder looked perfect.

"Oh Caroline you look beautiful." My mum told me as her eyes started to tear up.

"You do." Vicki-Lynn said Jody agreeing with her.

"Me brother is getting good at this dress picking thing." Faye told me as she looked at the dress.

"You look pretty auntie Caroline." Louie said as he jumped off Faye's lapped and toddled over to me hugging my knees, I bent down hugging him back.

"Thank you Louie. Thank you guys." I told my mum, mother-in-law, sister and sister-in-law. They just nodded before Jane came out with a veil and a pair of sparkly high heels.

"I love the soon Vicki." I told her as Jane handed me the shoes.


After another half an hour we had finished in the dress shop and had officially got my dress and shoes I was ready to get married tomorrow. After dropping off my mum and Jody, Vicki dropped off me Faye. Entering the flat I hung up the dress before falling onto the sofa. Im getting married tomorrow! I can't wait. I can't wait to see Olly.

I'm going to be Mrs Olly Murs. I can't wait.


I hope you enjoyed it,it was mainly Caroline's point of view but i wanted to add some Olly in there. The picture of Caroline's dress is in Chapter 2.

Please Review, thanks for reading.

Follow me on twitter: @RachelKatie14

Rachel x

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