Chapter Eleven

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* A month Later *

@Jai_Baby: Officially nine months! Can't wait to meet my baby boy! 🍼🚼 #Mommy2be #Anydaynow

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@Jai_Baby: Officially nine months! Can't wait to meet my baby boy! 🍼🚼 #Mommy2be #Anydaynow

"What color do you want?"Jason asked as we shopped at the mall.

"What color looks better?"I retorted. He sighed, We've been doing this for almost an hour. He slightly smiled at me. He finally made his purchase...My brother and I are on speaking terms now, And I have to admit, It's cool. It's weird that me being pregnant brought us closer, But better late than never.

"Jason! Not a wedding. You'll look fine!"I exclaimed, Trying to keep him from over-thinking

"The wedding better be coming after then"He spoke, Loud enough for me to hear.

"Nah..."I trailed off. I know it's never going to happen.

"What? You're not going to get married?"He questioned.

"Jason, I'm seventeen..."-

"So? If you can get pregnant at seventeen, You can get married"-

"He won't want to"I said, Sure of my answer.

"Why not?"-

"Because, He don't wanna be..."-

"Tied down? Ahhh, He wants to have his cake and eat it too"He spoke, I was lost.

"What?"I questioned, Obviously lost to whatever point he was trying to make.

"He wants to have you, But keep his hoes"-

"Oh!"I exclaimed, Understanding now. I guess I can kind of see what he was talking about. There was a moment of silence as I took in his words.

"You shouldn't do that"He finally spoke up.

"Do what?"-

"Let him walk all over you. You're a Beautiful intelligent girl Jailyn, And you deserve better"He preached at me.

"Thank you Dad"I cheesed childishly. I knew he didn't like Michael, But that's no surprise.

"When's the next time he's gonna come see you?"He changed the subject quickly, Which made me nervous. He's as hard-headed as I am, So for him to just give it up like that...

"I'm actually gonna go chill with him later"I spoke. I pulled out my phone to see if he had texted me.


"What are you doin' later?"The hoe asked, THOUGHT she was gon' get me...Girl!

"I'ma chill wit' my shawty, Why? You wanna see'er?"I offered, Knowing she would leave me alone. Just as I pulled out my phone, She walked away. I ain't got time for these hoes...Yeah me and Jai ain't officially together, But I can use it for when an ugly hoe try holla at me. 😜

* Later that night *


"Stawwp! I'm tryna watch the movie!"I whined, Playfully
Pushing Sammy's hands away from me.

"I'm tryna snuggle wit my baby"He said, Continuing to try and 'snuggle'. The moment got awkward as I noticed him starting at me.

"You got a pretty smile"He complimented. I blushed as I looked away. "What?"

"You ain't never said nothin' like'at before"-

"'Cause it's cheesy"-

"Then why'd you say it just now?"-

"B'cause I'm high as a kite"He admitted. I chuckled, It was
Then that I noticed his red eyes.

"I thought you get the munchies when you're high?"I questioned.


"You over here tryna snuggle? And you're high"-

"Nah... I don't... It really depends...YOU always got munchies"-I scoffed aloud.

"When did I EVER smoke weed?"I questioned curiously.

"Is you serious?"He spoke, Sitting up. I nodded. "You 'on remember?"-

"No, I do not recall..."I said, Folding my arms across my chest.

"When we was all over J's, Tia gave you the...And you smoked it, And you ate all'em chips and then"-

"OKAY!"I interrupted him, He tried to continue, But I covered his mouth.

"So you DO remember?"-

"Yes, It's coming back to me now"I chuckled slightly.

- - -

I giggled as I watched Sammy try to put the changing table together. We haven't officially decided where I'm going to be staying with the baby. And time is ticking... But I'm lazy, We'll figure it out.

As I leaned up, I felt a slight...Tinkle.

"Uh"I said, My pelvis felt funny...

"What?"He questioned, Glancing from my face to my baby bump.

"Nothin', I just felt funny... I gotta go to the bathroom"I spoke. He helped me stand so I could walk.

I quickly went into the bathroom, I sat down and did my business. I got curious as liquid continued to fall, I don't think it was urine. I looked and it was clear...I didn't have my phone, So I couldn't look it up...Uh oh.

"Sammy!"I called out to him.

"Yeah"His voice called back.

"Can you bring me my phone?"I asked curiously.

"Yeah"He replied quickly. Within seconds he was at the door, Giving me my phone. "E'rything 'aight?"He asked as he stood on the other side of the door.

"Yeah"I said calmly. I waited until I heard his footsteps to do anything. Just as I was going to turn on my phone, A streak of pain struck my back. It jolted up my spine. It surprised me, So much so that I dropped my phone. I laid my hand on my back as I almost felt numb. I tried to get through it. My doctor said that contractions may come and go as I get closer to the end of my pregnancy...But I don't
think this is just contractions. I tried to reach for my cellular device which laid only a couple of feet from me, But the pain struck again.

"Ahh!"I exclaimed in pain as I pulled my arm back. The pain seem to get worse from there. Sammy heard me and decided that I needed his assistance.

"No!"I protested.

"C'mon Jai, You can't have the baby here, You gotta go t'the hospital"-

"I'm not havin' the baby...It's just contractions...The d-ahh-ctor said they're n-ahh-rmal around the end of the p-pregnancy"I spoke through the pains.

"Jai...End of the pregnancy, Contractions, You NOT havin'is baby here"He spoke firmly.

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