Chapter Five

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I arrived at Lisa's house after I went to talk to my brother. It didn't go too well...

I closed the door after I entered, I groaned in frustration. I went to 'my' room.

"Wassup"A familiar voice spoke. I looked up to see Sammy...Laying on my bed.

"What are you doin'?"I asked, Laying my bag down.

"I came t'see y'all"He replied, He was comfortable. I was just in a bad mood. "Wassup wit' you?"He asked as he sat up.

"Nothin'"I replied, Not wanting to talk about it. He knew not to push it. I laid down next to him...It was kind of weird.

"You tired?"He asked, Breaking the silence.

"Yeah"I sighed, I pulled out my phone. "Why?"I spoke.

" 'Cause I wanted t'take you out somewhe'a"He revealed. That kind of shocked me.

"What?"I questioned. That ain't like him.

"You wan' go t'the mall'a som'?"He asked curiously.


"Why what?"-

"Why you wanna take me out?"-

" 'Cause...I want to"He spoke, Not trying to talk too much. He's not too emotional...

"Okay, Let's go"I spoke, Laying my phone down.

* * *

We arrived at the mall minutes later. I was a little apprehensive, Why? I'm just kind of lost...

"Where you wan' go?"He asked as we entered the mall. I shrugged. He walked next to me as we walked throughout the mall.

- - -

"I'm too big!"I exclaimed as I tried to fit into the cute little blouse.

"Here"I heard him from the other side of the door. I unlocked the door and let him in. He's tall and skinny so there was more room than I thought there'd be.

"It look fine"He spoke, Looking down at me.

"Half'a my belly's hangin' out"I exclaimed, Looking in the mirror as I spoke. It got kind of awkward as he looked down at me.

"I wanted t'talk t'you though"He spoke up.

"Can we talk...After i'm dressed?"I asked curiously. He nodded before he exited. I quickly got dressed
and came out. He stood and we exited. We went into the food corp. We sat down.

"So what did you wanna talk about?"I asked, Putting him on the spot.

"Oh...Where you gon' stay?"He asked curiously.

"What d'you mean?"I retorted. He needs to be more clear.

"Like...When you ha'the baby...Whe'a you try'na be?"He spoke. I looked at him, Expressing my confusion.

"Are you askin' me t'stay with you?"I asked, Trying to get him to communicate. I kind of just moved out...He nodded yes.

"I mean,It's whatev'a you want"He spoke, He tries to act like he doesn't care...It's so cute. I smiled, As I looked down at my food.

"I guess...I mean since you gon' help with the baby...Right?"I spoke, He nodded, Agreeing with my statement. "We'll see..."I said, I didn't want to make a decision right there, I mean I would've said yes
He's my first...Everything. Of course I want to be with him, But it's not all about me anymore. As we were about to leave, Two girls approached.

"Hey, Are Sammy? From'em twitter videos?"One of them asked. She was pretty, I couldn't tell if she was thirteen or twenty. She was short...But she was wearing a lot of makeup. I looked to Sammy as he nodded yes. He smirked as he stood.

"Can we get a picture?"The other girl asked.

"Sure"Sammy spoke, Smiling. I smiled but walked past them like I wasn't with Sammy. I went to footlocker...

"You need some help?"One of the employees asked politely. He was quite attractive.

"Yes please, Do you have a size seven in these?"I asked, Holding up the shoe.

"Yes please, Do you have a size seven in these?"I asked, Holding up the shoe

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"Yeah, Come back'ere an'we'll try'em on"He spoke, Motioning for me to follow him. I did, He led me behind a wall, It wasn't separated from the store, You could see it from the entrance.

"Size...Seven?"He asked as he looked at all the boxes. I nodded yes as he glanced at me. He brought one of the boxes to me

"Here"He spoke, Pointing to the seat. I sat down and watched as he opened the box and pulled out the shoe.

"You don't look like a size seven"He commented as he held the shoe. I shrugged, Not wanting to reveal the reason I got a size bigger.

"Well, If they don't fit, I'll get'em for my niece"I spoke, He gently placed the shoe on my foot.

"It's too small"I spoke as my foot squeezed into the shoe.

"Your feet look swollen"He stated. Yep...That's kind of what happens when you're pregnant.

"I'm sorry...Do I know you?"He asked curiously, Looking up at me. I nodded no, Unsure.

"Do you know...Terra? ( I nodded No) Lisa?"-

"Yeah"-He smiled as he found it.

"That's...You're Jailyn!"He exclaimed, Seeming excited.

"How do you know Lisa?"I asked curiously.

"My Mom and her are friends"He answered.

"Are they close?"-

"My Mom bailed her out once, But Lisa returned the favor"He spoke. I slightly chuckled. Our attention was turned to Sammy as he arrived.

"Aye"He spoke, Announcing his presence. The guy looked from him to me. He stood up awkwardly.

"Did you want these in a different size?"He asked, Almost seeming annoyed. I nodded No.

"I still want them though"I informed as he picked up the box. He nodded but walked away.

"Where'd you go?"He asked, Helping me stand up. That didn't get him off the hook...

"Who was'at?"Sammy asked
"A friend"I said as he followed me up to the register. The guy appeared.
He told me my total. I nodded as I pulled out my wallet. Sammy tried to pay, But I wasn't having it.

"I didn't catch your name"I spoke to the guy.

"Chris"He spoke, Smiling. I returned his smile as he handed me the bag with the shoes.

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