To My Beautiful Readers

6.3K 305 26

Hello, my favourite people in the world! Thought you'd seen the last of me, huh?

I honestly cannot believe how much positive reception Out of Time and When Time Collides have received. I mean, heck, Out of Time just surpassed 100K reads! Holy moly! I never expected that to ever happen!

When I first decided to write a Marvel fanfiction, I have to admit that I was hesitant. I've always been hesitant when it comes to fanfiction. Until I joined Wattpad last August, I always said that I would never write it, as I thought that it was...well, thirsty trash. And then I read a Marvel fic here out of sheer curiosity, and it completely changed my view on this genre. I gained a new respect for (most) fanfictions. And I simply had to write one for myself.

I honestly had no idea how these stories were going to turn out: would people like my character? The story? Would it be too boring for people to hang around until the end? Would it be worth it?

I can say for sure that writing these stories have most definitely been worth it! The series hasn't even finished and I'm still absolutely thrilled that I've written the first two. I never, ever expected them to get as popular as they are in a short span of time. Heck, Out of Time began last October-November and now it's past 100K reads! And When Time Collides began in mid April and it's near 50K! How the heck is all this even possible?!

These stories would not have become what they are today if you, my amazing readers, would not have stayed on for the ride so far. I'm so thankful that you decided to take time and read these stories. I always worry that I'd never be able to produce something that you would like, more or less love, I still do every now and then. But your comments contradict that very strongly! And I'm so thankful for that. I've never had people love my work as all you have, and it is the best feeling in the world knowing that. I cannot thank you all enough for the support you've given me so far and in many more projects to come. I don't have enough chapters to dedicate to all 2.5K of you, but if I did I would do it faster than Deadpool can say, "Superhero landing!"

5K of you, but if I did I would do it faster than Deadpool can say, "Superhero landing!"

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I shall see you all on July 4th for the release of The Path of Time

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I shall see you all on July 4th for the release of The Path of Time.

Happy reading! Love you all! ❤️
~ Laura

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