Chapter 1

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Authors Note

So this is my forth book but my first vampire book. For some reason I am obsessed with werewolves and other mystical creatures but mostly werewolves. The other three books that I'm writing I'm just not interested at the moment so I thought I would write another one. Please tell me if u like it or note. To keep writing. I've been reading my other books and I think there terrible but I don't want to stop them cause people r reading them. So vote and comment on what u think. Thanks.


 Taylor's Pov

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TAYLOR! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!" I jumped out of bed and fell on to the floor with an 'oomph'. Laughter filled the room. Yeah so funny. They should be helping me up. I'm the freaking birthday girl and last time I checked they were the ones that made me fall.

"Are you just going to stand there and laugh at me or are you going to help me up?" I said. I felt arms wrap around my waist and pull me up. "Thanks Joe." I said. Joe is my brother. He's 22 and has his own house but right now he's visiting. I'm also going to live with him for college.

"Happy birthday Tay. Here." Joe said while holding out a small gold box. When I opened it there was a gold ring. I saw this ring at the Renaissance Fair. It's from the Irish culture I believe. It was silver with a green heart. Two hands wrapped around the heart and it has a meaning to it. When the heart is faced down that means your heart is free. When it is faced up that means your heart is taken. I may have told my family no presents but I'm glad Joe got this for me.

"Thanks Joe. I love it." I said giving him a big hug.

"No prob. I knew you wanted one for when you found your mate." He said. Well isn't he a know it all. Ok so maybe I told him. We're actually pretty close. I tell him everything and he does the same. You always see us together. That's why I'm going to live with him. My parents said when I was a baby I would always cry when he left for school. I wouldn't stop until he got home. That's is just how much I love him. "Put it on." I looked up and Joe was looking at me. I smiled and he smiled back.

"Happy birthday Tay." Lola said.

"Thanks baby girl." That's what we call her since there's nothing for a nickname in Lola.

"Happy birthday sweetie. Go get dressed and then come down stares to eat." Mother said kissing me on the head. I shook my head.

"Happy birthday. My little girl is all grown up." My dad said.

"I'll always be your little girl daddy. Don't you forget that." I said coming up to give him a hug.

"I know but you're going to college this year. I won't see you every morning." He said squeezing me a little tighter.

"Yeah but you will hear from me everyday." I said. "Love you daddy."

"Love you too. Hurry up so we can go eat." He said heading downstairs.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Joe said. I shook my head and then he headed out.

"You going to stay in my room and watch TV?" I asked Lola. She just sat on my bed looking of into space. She does this a lot but this time she's crying. "Lola? Lola, Lola what's wrong?" She looked up into my eyes.

"Mommy and daddy are going to die." She said.

"Not for a very long time. There right down stares. Ok?" I asked. She was starting to worry me.

"No. There going to die now." She said.

"Lola they're right down st-


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