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I glanced over to see a girl in an armchair. She was reading an old magazine. I thanked Dom and walked over to her. She looked up. A tear streaked face met mine. "Hi." She said in a small, quiet voice. I grabbed a chair and slid It over to her chair. It was almost like she was happy and relived to see me. I sat down quietly next to her.

"Hi. I'm Jamison." I said to her. "We'll I'm Jessica. So I'm guessing you want it talk to me about your girlfriend?"

I nodded. "Well, she was incredibly nice and polite when she rented the room. I work in a hotel. I rent room out to people all day and all night. She came in to the hotel and asked for a room. I gave her a key and how long will she be staying. She answered I don't know. I guess after a while we became good friends. We went out for lunch once and I noticed that her stomach was growing everyday. It was kinda scary but at that lunch she told me everything."

I continued to listen to her. I asked her. "Why did she leave?"

"Okay, so, she said that she was pregnant and didn't want to stay in the town and go to school with a growing baby inside her." I couldn't believe what I was hearing. She left because of what I could only have done to her. I felt angry with myself. I let it sink In. I only then realised that I was standing up.

"Sorry." I said to her. "That's okay. Believe me I did have a mini heart attack when she said this. But she was so scared about what you would think of her that she ran away without telling you." I nodded showing that I was keeping up with what she was saying.

Jessica continued. "Then came that awful day. We where out having lunch again like we always do on a Thursday. She offered me a ride back to the hotel. We both were going that way so I sure, why not. So we're driving along and her favourite song comes on the radio. With or without you by U2. And we're singing out pound at the top of our lungs and then....." She stated to trail off. She couldn't stop there. She couldn't! "Then what?" I said. I was so eggar to find out what happened.

Jessica breathes in a huge gulp of air. "The car T boned us and hit Darina first. All I could hear was a scream. When I managed to escape I ran over to her and tried to get her out. I couldn't help her at all. The last thing that she said was that she loved you and Lilia. I didn't know what that meant but maybe you did? Jamison, I am so sorry." She said to me. She started crying really badly. I felt for her. "I just wish that I could do something.

My instincts made me lean over and hug her. I started to cry too. I sudden thought hit me and made me break away form her grasp. "What about the baby? You said she was pregnant, right?" I said. It was probably the most important question I had asked myself all day long. She sat up. " i was hoping you would ask. I will show you." She said.

She stood up and reached for her crutches. I had only just noticed that she a hurt her leg badly. She grimaced at the pain. "So you were in the crash too?" I asked her. "Yeah but I was the passenger so I didn't get as much impact." She said. "The worst I got was a concussion and a broken leg."

She added. We both started to walk down the hallway out of the waiting room. We walked past many windows looking into patients with newborn children. I wished that Darina and I would be just like them. Holding our firstborn starting our new lives together. Jessica guided me into a room filled with tiny beds. "5th row 2nd from the left." Jessica said. I walked over to the specific cot the she told me about. I looked down at the small little human being that was mine.

A pink blanket.

SHE was mine.

Hello everyone that is awesome enough to try my book.

I really hope you guys liked this new part of this book and there will be more ( hell I couldn't just end it there!!!!)

Plz tell me what u guys think bout it and ........ Here's some news!!

I am having a comp for a better cover of this book. I need a pic of 'Jamison and the baby girl'

The winner will be in the book as 'Jamison's best friend since kindergarten'

I hope you guys read this book and enter the comp and tell UR friends bout this book plz.

Bye bye all

Crazia 😛

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