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chapter four
Shay's Point of View

       The boys had suggested to let me join their pack, I was hesitant about it, not knowing if I should or not, I admitted to myself that I was afraid– no terrified, that they won't like me and starts to abuse me like my previous pack did– but of course I didn't let the boys know that. They might get offended.

I had been staying in their pack for a week now, and until now I still don't know whether I will be joining their pack or not, but Nathan has been insisting me to join, saying he needed a Luna by his side and that I was his mate so that's why I should join. To be honest, I was still freaked out about having another mate, though, it had only been a week since my true mate rejected me and now I'm staying at my second mate's pack.

Everything has been so confusing lately, but I can't help but wonder, how has Jared been? Warren? Did Cassidy tell them that I went off? Are they looking for me? God, I hope they don't. I don't ever want to go back to that pack, especially my brother and Warren. As of Lindsay, she doesn't even talk to me, but she doesn't beat me either, she's worse, she just watches me get beaten in front of her with satisfaction, and she's also dating my 'mate'. I guess I was sort of happy that Warren was my mate, I always had a crush on him, but when he rejected me, my world crashed down. I just couldn't take it anymore, so I left.

I didn't want to lead Nathan on, especially knowing that I have another mate, Warren might have rejected me but he's still my mate and Nathan might have one more mate running around as well. I just can't afford another drama; I'm already drained from the drama with my family and previous pack.

Joining Nathan's pack has consequences, he expects me to be a proper Luna and his mate, and I can't be both of that, that's why I don't want to join the pack right now. With my final decision, I stood up, determined to tell my answer to Nathan. I went to his office, knocking firmly on the door, as I heard a muffled come in, I slowly opened the door and walked in, watching as he looked up at me.

He smiled at me softly, "Hey."

"Hi." I smiled nervously.

"Did you need something?" He asked, closing his laptop, sitting back on his seat.

I sat down on the seat in front of his table, "I, uh, about joining the pack..." I trailed off.

His eyes widened and leaned forward, "Yeah? Have you made the decision?" He asked eagerly, making me feel a bit bad about my answer, but nodded my head nonetheless.

"I can't join the pack."

His face fell, frowning sadly, "What, why not?"

I sighed, "I'm sorry. I don't want to be a Luna because I don't know how to be one. I also can't be our mate because I can't lead you on knowing I have another mate and that you might have another one as well."

Nathan's jaw clenched, "You don't have to be Luna, yet. As of being my mate, who cares about your other mate? He rejected you, Shay. You deserve to move on, you won't be leading me on because I am your mate and about me having another mate, that won't be happening, I assure you."

"Yet? Nathan, I don't have a clue on being a Luna."

"Then, we'll teach you." Nathan shrugged.

"Also, how are you so sure about not having another mate? I have one, and you might have one as well. I wouldn't want to hurt her, she might have been waiting for you for a long time and I don't want to ruin that, so I'll back off. You don't have to be my mate, Nathan. Just wait for her." I said, looking down.

Nathan growled, standing up and knelt down to my height since I was sitting down, "Shut up, Shay. I don't have another mate because she's dead."

My eyes shot wide open in shock, slowly processing words, I blinked at him as his face stays impassive, "W-What do you mean, dead?"

Mate's Rejection [Re-Written]Where stories live. Discover now