Chapter 7: Priorities

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Its already Thursday and I still cant believe how fast and hard this week has been. I've managed to catch up to all my classes and bringing my grade to at least a C, barely passing. I let out another sigh.

"Lu Lu, you know its rude to rest your head on the table, especially when people are eating." Levy complained.

"Dont tell me how to live my live Levy-chan" i said grumpily and slowly raised my head. "And since when do you sit with us Gajeel?"  I said pointing between him and Levy.

Levy was blushing as red as a tomato beside Gajeel , where Gajeel just decided to ignore me. I let out another sigh and laid my head back down to the table.

"Say Lu- chan, what would you do if Natsu came up to you right now?"

"I will tell him to go away and go hang out with Lissana instead!" I said grumpily and laid my head down again.

"Thats perfect! Because his heading here now"

"Yeah right" i said.

And right then I felt a pair of hand on my shoulder. I turned around and put the best smile that I could possible master and faced Natsu.

"Her Natsu! What are you doing here??"

"Woah!" He had to do a double take. "Geez Cee, you look like a dead person who just rose from the dead."

I once again let out another sigh. "Geez thanks for the compliment jerk" i said.

"Lu-chan! Whats with all the sighing!" Said Levy.

"I dont know man! I havent had a good sleep for the past couple of nights because of all the cryi-" i stopped because of the fact that Levy gave me the look, telling me to stop. "What?" I demanded.

Levy looked beside me, and I completely forgot that Natsu was there.

"Uhm you know all these crying of babies and stuff?"

"Babies?" The three asked in unison.

"Yeah, you know, stories about baby crying on the middle of the night. That shit scares me you know" I quickly excused. I looked at Levy for back up.

"Yeah, those babies" she said unsure. I mentally face palm my self and let out another sigh.

"Anyways, back to the topic" Natsu said earning my attention back.

"We had a topic?" Both Levy-can and I asked.

"Yes, well its Thursday today and its the first week of the month and you know what that means!" He said eagerly.

"Natsu, I thought we agreed that it would be Friday instead." I complained remember what today means.

"Since when? Plus we havent hang out for so long Cee!" He said while pouting.

"I wonder whos fault is that" I whispered to Levy. She raised her eyebrows at me. I just shook my head. "And we've talked about this last week remember? Because friday is the only day that Lissana dont have have plans with you" I explained.

"Right yes! I remember. But this week her schedule is different! She said that she will have drama meeting with the whole club and she said she would be too tired to go out by the time it finished. So I decided to hang out with you instead!" He said explaining.

"Guess I'm choice number 2" I said half jokingly.

"Common Cee, dont be like that!"

"Fine fine, pick me up after school around 5. Im bringing sleeping clothes, I might stay there over night as well. I havent seen Wendy, Happy and your mum for a while now anyways."

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