Shell Shock!

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Part 3 and Conclusion of Ash and Bonnie's Battle! Enjoy!

Bonnie started off the second half of the battle with her choice since she was the trainer, who was behind. "Leafeon, I chose you!" she cried out as an Eveevolution appeared before her.

The Pokémon was primarily tan but had green tufts of fur sticking out, periodically, on its body. Its ears and tail resembled green leaves as well. Its paws were a dark brown, along with its eyes.

"Typhlosion, come on out once more!" shouted Ash, as he sent out his Johto fire type once again.

The fire type let out another roar, as it relit its flames. It was prepared for another battle.

"Leafeon, use Dig!" Bonnie commanded.

The verdant Pokémon obeyed and dug its way underground.

"We'll use Dig, as well!" Ash commanded.

Bonnie gasped as she saw the volcano Pokémon disappear, underground only to reappear, with one of its paws underneath Leafeon's chin, sending it upwards. Bonnie collected herself quickly.

"Leafeon, use Iron Tail, while in midair!"

"Catch that attack! Then, finish it off with an Eruption!" Ash commanded.

The Eveevolution's tail began to glow white as it spun its body to hit its attacker in the ribs. Before the attack could land, it was stopped by the powerful paws of the volcano Pokémon. The Johto starter twisted the tail in a way that exposed the grass type's back to its powerful jaws. It then unleashed the powerful fire attack. The attack hit, causing a cry of pain as the verdant Pokémon crashed on the ground, landing at Bonnie's feet.

Bonnie looked down and noticed the pained look in its eyes and heard the ref call the battle. She smiled as she returned her verdant Pokémon to its ball, before realizing the jam that she has gotten herself into. What do I do? One of my remaining Pokémon has a disadvantage, while my other one won't do much good, especially since they're the same type.

She unwillingly took out her choice and tossed it onto the battlefield. When the bright light from the Pokéball dimmed, it was shown that her next choice was her Jynx. Jynx took a look at her opponent, before turning to Bonnie, with a confused look on its face.

"I know you're at a disadvantage here, Jynx," Bonnie said, responding to the expression on her Pokémon's face. "But right now, I need your best."

Jynx responded with a thumbs up and turned to face her opponent.

"Jynx, use Lovely Kiss," Bonnie commanded.

The Pokémon winked one eye, before a pair of lips came out from her lips, towards the fire type.

"Typhlosion, use Smoke Screen, to get away from that attack," Ash responded calmly.

The starter Pokémon hid in the smoke that it had produced.

Bonnie then saw that the smoke covered the hole that Typhlosion created. She also saw that Jynx was next to Leafeon's hole.

"Jynx use Lovely Kiss and aim at the hole in front of you! Send multiple attacks!" she shouted.

Again, Jynx winked, but this time, a barrage of attacks came and went down the hole. Nothing seemed to happen, as the attack appeared from the smoke. The smoke began to clear to reveal a sleeping Typhlosion.

"Alright! Now, rapid-fire Shadow Ball!" she commanded her Pokémon.

Jynx focused and black spheres appeared in her hands, which she launched at her target.

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