Shock and Awe!

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"Charmander! Char!"

The lizard Pokémon, who sat on Ashley's lap, shouted out, as it began to cheer for Trevor's Charizard, who had made his appearance on the battlefield below.

Ashley giggled at her Pokémon's response to its father showing up on the field. "You're excited to see your daddy battle, Charmander."

The lizard Pokémon nodded to the little girl, as it turned back to watch the battle and begin cheering for its father, so was Ashley.

"Go daddy! Go Charizard! You both can do it!" The little girl shouted out, as she cheered for her father.

As for the rest of the group, most of them were shunned by the flame Pokémon's power, expressed through its roar.

"There he is," Max began his statement. "Trevor's ace Pokémon."

"I'll say," Clemont responded. "Those two have always been together from the start."

"Yeah," Brock replied as he viewed the battle below. "It'll be interesting to see what Aaron does to combat against that Charizard."

Brittany turned to Serena, who sat next to her, and noticed a worried look in the Kalos Queen's eyes

"Hey there," Brittany said as Serena turned to look at her friend, sitting next to her. "You worrying about your boyfriend down there?"

Serena nodded, before replying. "Yeah, a bit."

Brittany grinned at her friend's response. "Don't worry about him. I'm sure Aaron can deal with Trevor's Charizard; after all, he has one too."

Serena gave a small smile to Brittany's remark before they both turned back to watch the battle, below, start up again.


Ash gazed down upon the mouse Pokémon and noticing sparks flying off of its cheeks. Pikachu really wanted to battle against Trevor's Charizard, as it had lost it before. Pikachu looked up, at his trainer, with a determined and serious look in its eyes.

Lucario noticed this too, as he turned to look at Ash, before saying, "Master, it seems that Pikachu really wants to battle that Charizard."

Ash turned to his Lucario and shook his head, before answering, "Yeah, I know, but Pikachu may have to wait for that rematch."

Pikachu was shocked at his trainer's response, as it gave a frustrated grunt towards that decision.

"Sorry, buddy," Ash stated as he turned to look back on the battlefield, in front of the trio. "If the rest of our team can't take down Charizard, then I'll use you next."

Pikachu felt nervous about that strategy, but he agreed to go along with it.

Ash smiled at the mouse Pokémon, for understanding his decision, before gazing back to his Staraptor. There was a concerned look in his eyes, as the predator Pokémon was heavily breathing for air, while looking exhausted, especially after its battle with Braviary.

I know Staraptor took some hits from that last battle. I just hope we could at least inflict some damage to Charizard before Staraptor goes down. Ash thought as he looked at his opponent, across the battlefield, who was waiting for him to attack first.

"So, Aaron, what's your plan in dealing with my Charizard here?" Trevor questioned the masked trainer, standing across from him, as his face expressed curiosity.

Ash gives a grunt, before calling out the first attack, of the round, "We'll attack head on! Staraptor, Aerial Ace!"

The predator Pokémon obeyed its trainer's command, as it started to fly towards its opponent. It does backflips in the air, then dives down at the flame Pokémon, as Staraptor's body became surrounded by white streaks. However, Charizard doesn't try to dodge the incoming attack. It's just standing still, waiting for its opponent to get closer to the fire type.

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