A Demonstration

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"And Darkrai goes down!" the announcer blasted through the intercom system. "And just like that, Tobias and his team of Legendary Pokémon have been defeated! Sakai moves on to the Finals, without losing a single Pokémon!"


"H-How did he manage that?" Max asked. He was shocked and petrified with fear, at what he had just witnessed on the battlefield below.

Around the room, the same shock and awe could be seen on everyone's faces. Even the champions, themselves, were expressing shock and awe, along with trepidation, across their faces.

"Cynthia," Dawn started weakly, "Haven't you faced Tobias before?" Cynthia nodded, as she kept her gaze on the mysterious figure. standing below them. "H-How did you do against him?"

"It was a tough battle," she spoke softly. "I ended up winning, 6-3, but it was much closer than that." The rest of the group shuttered, as they heard the tone, which she spoke in. The normal cool confidence and self-assurance had been replaced with fear and uncertainty. "Even so, Sakaki dismantled him in every shape and form. H-He looked like he still had power left over. I've never seen a display, like that, before in my life."

"Look at him," Brittany commented. "He doesn't even look happy about his victory. He just looks angry."

"Who is he staring at?" Brock questioned.

The group again looked and saw Sakaki glaring into the stands. Disdain and hatred were painted on his features, while his body was tensed. The group turned to where the victor was staring and gasped, as they noticed the person that was standing there.

"It-It's Aaron." Diantha managed to get out. "He isn't flinching, not even a little."

"No, that's fighter look, which he's giving back." Alder chimed in. "He's not impressed. And look at his Pokémon. They almost seemed to be bored."

"Of course, they do. They've always known about his true power."

The rest of the group turned and saw Lance, standing in the back, with his arms crossed in front of him. He didn't hold the same shocked expression that the rest of them did. His features only showed anger and annoyance towards the carnage that he had just witnessed.

"Who are those two?!" Cynthia shouted.

"How should I know?" Lance brushed off the Sinnoh champion.

"Because you and Sabrina have been nosing around!" she spat back. The rest of the group recoiled at the outburst, from the usually calm champion. Brittany turned to Ashley, who sat next to her mother, as she covered her ears, with her hands, fearing that the outraged Sinnoh champion would use foul language soon. "This isn't a game, Lance. You can't just go around and keep secrets from the rest of us! So tell us, what the fuck is going on here, Lance?"

Lance turned and headed to the doorway. "I'm going to go and find that out, for myself." With that, he opened the door and walked out into the atrium.

The rest of the group turned to the champions. The champions looked at each other, before turning to the only other person, in the room, who wasn't fazed. Sitting in the far corner, where he had sat, throughout the entire tournament, was Drake, from the Orange Islands. He was not staring at Giovanni, but at Ash and his Pokémon.

"Do you know who he is?" Cynthia demanded.

Drake shrugged. "I know this much: Sakaki doesn't scare him because simply put, Aaron can beat him."

"Even after that tour de force?" Wallace questioned.

Again, Drake shrugged. "We'll see if Aaron puts on his own show."

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