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Heh. Ya'll probs thought this was the epilogue. #SorryNotSorry No promises on when it'll be up though, I've been binging on Sebastian Stan/Bucky Barnes everything so... Oh, and you should go read my Bucky Barnes fanfic ;) again, #SorryNotSorry I have no shame for this self promotion.

Anyways, I suppose I'll do this tag.

I was tagged by @Avengers-queenie
Thanks for the first vote on To My Love, by the way :)

— List all the rules
— Write 15 facts about yourself
— Tag 15 people
— You can't refuse
— You have one week to do this or you will receive a punishment ( ? )

— I live in West Virginia (not everyone here is a hillbilly btw)
— I do indeed love deer meat, though
— Sebastian Stan, Grant Gustin, and Dylan O'brien have taken over my life/are my husbands
— I have a constant, desperate need for pasta
— Currently listening to Motionless In White
— I'm a very boring person with no physical/mental abilities of any sort (Cheer conditioning starts on Monday and I'll probably die tbh wish me luck)
— I had a one sided convo with the radio guy yesterday when he was talking about how much Justin Bieber was a punk and how he hated him with a passion. Cause, same.
— My mom thinks I'm going to a famous author one day even though she hasn't read anything I've ever written.
— #PeytonSawyerDeservedBetter #SoDidBrookeDavis
— I'd rather go to camp than the beach
— #TeamIronMan {FIGHT ME} (Marvel has taken over my life tbh)
— I talk myself down more than I probably deserve
— My eyes are a poop shade of green
— I love dark chocolate
— I cheated on my last 2 Spanish tests 😶 cause I didn't want to fail the class

and that's it because they tagged me in the last one I did so hah
—Not tagging anyone else cause they won't do it so yeah. You want to do it? Just say I tagged you.

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