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The Glade was currently going through its first downfall. Whining.

    It's been five months since Minho entered the Glade- which means five more Greenies. And they won't. Stop. Whining.

    Every day, Rachel wakes up to whining, and goes to sleep to the sound of whining. Yeah, she wanted to get out too, but she wasn't a blubbering, snotty-nosed mess about it.

    Two of them only complained occasionally, which wasn't 'fine' with Rachel, but definitely better than the other three.

Gally was the Greenie after Minho. And since Alby decided he was done with the name, he gave it to Gally. Who gave it to the next newbie, Siggy (who hates his name). The name 'Greenie' or 'Greenbean' was given to the newbie of the month until a new person came. So far, they all hated it.

    As for the Glade, it was flourishing. Rules were being made, job schedules were being assigned, and everyone got along nicely, minus Rachel and the whiners, of course.

    Every time a Greenie came up in the box, he'd, or as Rachel hoped, she'd, take the day to explore the Glade and then when they woke up the next day, they'd be given a tour. During this tour, their told the jobs and rules. The rules were simple and pretty clear: 1.) Do your part- meaning work, 2.) Don't harm a fellow Glader- this could result in extra work or a fate decided by Nick and Alby, and 3.) Never go into the Maze- it's only a place for the Runners.

    Nick, who had always shown leadership qualities, took it upon himself to become just that, a leader. He later appointed Alby as his second-in-command.

    Nick was hesitant to the idea of being the leader. It was something he wanted, yeah, but he was slightly afraid that Rachel would disagree. After all, she was the first Glader, so, in Nicks' eyes, she should be given the role of leader. Rachel didn't want to be leader. "Besides," she told him, "You really think a bunch of teenage boys are going to follow the example of a girl? They'd take it as a joke."

And so it was made. Nick and Alby would lead. Rachel, Minho, and Newt would run the maze, looking for a way out. Siggy and Alby cooked. Winston looked after the animals. When Gally or Alex wasn't building or fixing things, they helped in the garden with Nick. Clint bandaged up any hurt Gladers. It all ran smoothly. So smooth, it was boring doing the same old thing everyday.

"We need to do something," Rachel stated putting her sandwich down.

    "We are doing something," Minho countered. "Eating."

    Rachel rolled her eyes. "Something else. All we do is eat and work. Let's have some fun."

    Alby cleared his throat. "Last time you said that, you put Nick to shame."

    Nick hit his friends' arm. "Slim it."

    "Exactly!" Rachel smiled. "Fun!"

    Nick glared at her. She grinned.

    "How about a bonfire?" Clint offered up. "I mean, we have more wood than we need. Why not?"

    "You see?" Rachel practically cheered. "This one offers a solution." She gestured to Clint. He chuckled.

    "Come on, Nicholas. One night?" Minho teased. "Could be fun."

    But he didn't need convincing. He was all in.


With the help of Gally and Alex, Rachel dragged fallen branches back to the Glade. The three of them piled them all into a cone shape with the point at the top. The dragged a few old logs over to put around the pile to act as chairs. Lastly, Alby, Newt and Rachel lit small sticks on fire and tossed them into the pile. The whole thing caught up in flames. The friends cheered.

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