Chapter 3 : The Party

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Rhian and Rhiannon went down stairs into the garden. There were so many people, it looks like the whole school came to the party. The music was so loud. There were people dancing round and getting drunk. They had no idea about the vampires in this town. When they reached the tent Stefan was there waiting for them. He led them inside. Damon, Stefan, Rhian, Caroline, Rhiannon and Bobbi were all sitting in the living room.

"So a few people have been killed in the last couple of weeks. What's the problem?" Damon said.

"The problem Damon is that the killer nearly killed Elena yesterday and we have done nothing about it. We know who it is so why don't we do something!" Stefan shouted back.

"Wait! You know who the killer is! And you haven't told me?" Rhian moaned. 

"So Damon. If your the smart one, what do we do about this? Huh Damon!" Stefan pushed.

"Guys, i might be able to help you if you tell me whats going on. I'm the new one remember. I'm not Edward Cullen I can't read minds." Rhiannon said. 

"Your right. Bobbi you can tell her." Stefan said.

"WHAT! Even Bobbi knew and i didn't." Rhian sobbed.

"Well," Bobbi started, "There is this new kid at school and he has been killing people in this town for about two months and he nearly killed Elena the other day and also nearly killed Bonnie who is a witch and she is a friend at school." 

"OK, and Stefan you said you knew who it was?" Rhiannon said.

"Um, yea. It's this new kid called Harry Flea and he is a vampire. A very strong vampire and that's kind of one reason we wanted you to come stay here." Stefan said.

Feeling a bit hurt inside for the last piece of information Rhiannon said, "So I start school tomorrow then at lunch we will all have a new bit of information about this Harry."

"What's Rhiannon gonna do about a very strong vampire she only a girl." Damon said.

Rhiannon gave him a look as if she was gonna show him right now what she is going to do when Bobbi and Rhian stood up and said together, "Well, that's enough talking for one day. Let's stop the party and get ready for bed." 

Rhiannon and Damon gave each other one last look and walked off in different directions. Damon went out side and got people to go home and then went hunting. Rhiannon walked up stairs into her room and went to sleep. Caroline when home and Elena went with her. Stefan went for a quick hunt and Bobbi stayed sitting on the sofa and said she was going to wait up for Damon. Rhian went to bed aswell. When Damon got home he went up to bed and so did Bobbi, in Damon's bed. Everyone in the boarding house was asleep by 2am.

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