Chapter 18 : It's gotta be you.

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Rhiannon was at home in her room when there was a knock at her door. She wished she could be in love again l, with someone that loved her back.

"who is it?" Rhiannon shouted.

"Stefan." Stefan shouted back.

"Come in."

He walked in and sat next to her on her bed.

"I need your help." He asked.

"On what?"

"my relationships."

"I can't even get someone to love me so I dunno how im going to help but I'll try." Rhiannon said thoughtfully.

"okay. What should I do about Rhian and Elena?"

"Dont go for one because you feel sorry for them or because they are pretty but go for the one you truly love." Rhiannon said.

"But the thing is I don't know which one I do love." Stefan said.

"Then maybe you should break up with both until you make up your mind."


"trust me. Girls don't wanna date boys that don't respect them." Rhiannon said.

Thinking about her past relationships.

"Thanks." Stefan said to Rhiannon. "and I know who likes you."

"Really? Someone likes me." Rhiannon said hoping.

"Matt Donovan. He talks about you all the time at football practice."


"I think he's a decent guy. Your the first person he's like since his and Elena's break up which was about 2-3 years ago."

"really? I never noticed him like that but he does seem pretty decent." Rhiannon said blushing.

"you may seem all tough but your soft inside." Stefan said.

"Never say that again. I will break you." Rhiannon said. Being serious.

"Okay. I'm gonna go to the grill."

"Damon proposed to Bobbi and she said yes then Elena said it would be great if you propoused to her." Rhiannon explained.

"what did you say?"

"Nothing. I left."

"oh. Well I'm gonna go now. Thanks for the advice."

"okay. Thanks for telling me Matt likes me."

"See ya."

Then Stefan left. Rhiannon was left feel happy and exited after her and Stefan's heart to heart.

Stefan got to the grill. Damon and Bobbi were kissing and Elena was sat there feeling out of place.

"Stefan, I'm so glad you've finally got here. What took you so long?" Elena asked.

"I was talking to Rhiannon."

"Right thats it. She has a thing for you! It's obvious. Shes always trying to get rid of me and breaking my arms. And you never do anything about it! You love her don't you!" Rhian accused.

"Shes just a friend. I Promise."

Damon and Bobbi got up and left feeling a bit awkward.

"are you sure?" Elena said.

"Yes. I'm sure. Matt likes her anyway."

"Okay." She leaned in for a kiss an he pulled away.

"I've got to talk to you. About us."

"You do love her!"

"No but we aren't working out. So we should stop dating for a bit." Stefan said. Following Rhiannon's advise.

"Oh." Elena said crying. She got up and walked away.

Stefan went to meet Rhian at the park where she was sitting on a swing.

"Hey." She said.

"I have to talk about us..."

"I know. It's not working and you and Elena are meant to be. I understand. I just hope we can be friends like we used to be." Rhian said.

"Actually no. But we do have to break up."

"No what?"

"Ive broke up with Elena as well."

He just got up and left. When he got back to the house Matt was pulling up on the drive. Stefan got out of his car and let him in.

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