Never be a head shot || Clint Barton

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"Felli! Come on!" Your best friend shouted out to you. You met Clint when he joined your family's traveling circus. He was one hell of a shot. He could shoot anything anywhere. Just like you.

"Hang on!" Little twelve-year-old you giggled as you ran after him. It had been about two years since you first met each other and you two were inseparable. You ran into the train cart where you two stayed and hung up your arrows. You got to talking when you heard yelling from the train cart in front of you.

"What's going on?" Clint asked. You shrugged and went to open the door. Once opened, you saw your parents yelling at each other. You shook your head and closed it again.

"Just my parents fighting again..." You mumbled as you went to your bed. Clint followed you.

"Felicity?" He questioned and you looked up at him. "What's gonna happen if we end up fighting like them?" He questioned. "What if we get so angry we pull out our bows and shoot each other?" He said, genuinely scared. You sighed and shrugged.

"I don't know Clint..." You said as you felt a pair of hands on your shoulders.

"Just promise me it'll never be a head shot, okay?" He said. You nodded and you both fell asleep.


Little did you know you two would be standing face to face once again. But this was nothing like how it used to be.

You had been strapped to a chair and your mouth was covered. You tried everything you could to get it off, but it wouldn't budge. You were completely clueless that Clint, your childhood best friend, had become a sharp shooter on the Avengers. You were even more clueless about the fact that Hydra had captured you and a girl with brown hair you've never seen before, in order to get something out of them.

"Let her go, you worthless octopuses!" He barged in the room, now and arrow ready in a split second. His face was hard but you knew he had been caught off guard when he saw you.

"Felicity?" He questioned, never dropping his bow. You're eyes widened as you shook your head wildly. His eyes flickered to the girl behind you ."Wanda?" His eyes went back and forth and finally focused on nothing when a voice spoke.

"Finally, someone." A Russian man said, his accent so thick you could barely understand. "I was starting to get bored. Almost started without you."

"Vadim, what the hell do you want?" Clint asked, pulling back an arrow. The man stood up and he pushed you and Wanda's chairs into the light. You had been held in the dark so he wouldn't see the cuts and bruises that were caused by them.

When Clint saw you and Wanda's faces, that's when his bow faltered.

"I want to be entertained." He said, as if it was such a simple thing. "I got bored of these pretty faces. They became dull very quickly." He smirked at you as he caresses your face. You flicked your head away, only for him to grab it again and force you to stare at him.

"Let them go,Vadim, and we won't have a problem." He said, his eyes still flickering between you and Wanda.

"You know, this would be great if we could have a happy ending, but like I said, Mr. Barton," the man faced Clint and about twenty Hydra guards stepped out from the shadows and cocked their guns. "I want my entertainment. So, here's my offer."

"I'm not going to listen to shit you say! Let them both go and maybe we won't kill you all!" He yelled at them. You glanced over at Wanda to see that she was looking down, tears leaving her eyes.

"Now now, Mr. Barton, do you really want me to just kill them both along with you?" He said, enjoying the frustration that was written all over Clint's face. "Here's my offer:" he started. "You kill one of them, and I'll let you take the other." He said, a sickly grin painted on his face.

"Are you kidding me?! No! I'm about to kill all of you bastards!" He yelled, pulling three more arrows out from his quiver.

"Tsk tsk. You wouldn't want this to be a blood bath would you?" He said as you locked eyes with Clint. You could sense the panic that he had in them. You looked back at Wanda and saw Vadim was taking off the thing covering her mouth. You soon felt the same happening to you. As soon as the cloth was removed, you screamed at him.

"Run Clint! Get outta here!" You yelled, thrashing about in the chair. Soon, you felt a piece of metal that was slightly warm, you instantly froze.

"Hey!" Clint yelled, pointing his arrow at whoever had the gun pressed against your head.

"Come on, Mr. Barton. I'm getting bored. I may just kill you all." The Russian man said. You turned your head and looked at Wanda. She was staring desperately at Clint, obviously scared out of her mind just like you. You looked back and forth from Clint and Wanda. You knew that Wanda was part of his team, and you and him had grown apart in that past 10 year that you both quit the circus. You knew he needed to choose her, so you needed to help him realize.

"Clint." You said calmly. His panic filled eyes locked with yours. "Remember the promise we made in the train cart? When we heard my parents fighting?" You questioned, hoping he remembered. He slowly nodded.

"Yea..." He said, remembering. You both recited the promise at the same time, tears threatening to spill over.

"Don't kill me with a head shot." He shook his head and aimed for you.

"I'm sorry." He whispered. You smiled and shook your head.

"Don't be." You told him. The last thing you saw was an arrow leaving his bow.

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