"Just Friends" || Steve Rogers

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It had been a long day. The team just got back from a mission, I had to deal with a bunch of idiots at the front desk and we were all exhausted. I had nearly fallen asleep at the desk when Wanda walked in.

"I thought it was bad to sleep on the job?" She said. My head shot up to see her smirk.

"Hush up." I said playfully. We laughed a bit and I cleaned up the front desk a bit before I spoke again. "So where's the rest of the team? Mainly my brother." I questioned, as I redid my bun. It was the end of the day, I didn't care if it was messy or not.

"They're at Stark Tower. Stark told me to come get you." She said with her accent.

"Oh fun." I said, getting my things together. "What does he have planned?" I questioned as i slung my messenger bag over my shoulder and walking around to the front of the desk.

"I don't know." She said as she and I walked out of the Avenger's head quarters. Waiting in the front were two cars.

"Why are there two?" I questioned as i looked at a smirking Wanda. I looked up and saw Clint come out of one car and Steve come out of the other.

"I told Tony we'd go out and get pizza. You two have an hour max to... do whatever. Call us and we'll meet at the pizza place and drive home together. You're brother will never suspect a thing!" Clint said, putting his hands on his hips and beaming, proudly. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Wha-?" I couldn't finish my sentence as Wanda shoved me into the car that Steve came out of and she rushed into Clint's car as the drove off. I turned to Steve as he got into the car. "Wha?" He laughed as he started driving off.

"Clint and Wanda keep trying to hook us up." He said as if it was nothing. I, on the other hand, had a face as red as a computer nerd out in the sun... So my brother on summer vacation when we were kids.

"o-oh. I didn't know that..." I mumbled as I stared out the windshield. "Wha-what about my brother?" I said, felling like I was going to throw up.

"It's all okay. Clint figured if he tried to set us up and it went well, we could figure out a way to tell him."  Steve quickly froze and pulled the car over and looked at me. "Oh my gosh, are you okay with this? Wow i was too caught up in what Nat was filling my head up with and I didn't even think about how you would feel." He rambled on as his hands flew to his face, covering his eyes. "Crap I'm such an idiot." He sighed into his hands.

"No, no it's totally okay. I just i don't know how i'm going to tell Tony. I mean even if there isn't anything between us. I mean, as of right now, we're just friends hanging out." I sputtered out of my mouth. Steve had faced me and re-arranged his fingers to where his bright blue eyes were peeking out.

"I know, but..." His voice died off as his hands fell from his face and into his lap. "Never mind. Let's go meet up with Clint and Wanda." He said, starting up the car.

There was an awkward silence that hung in the car until we got to Stark Tower. I couldn't stop thinking about the talk we had in the car. Captain America had wanted to go out with me? THE Steve Rogers thought it would be a good idea to go out with ME? The guy that every girl in America, including me, had been fangirling over ever since he came back from under the ice agreed to try to go on a date with me? I just couldn't believe it, but i was soon pulled out of my thoughts by big brother, Tony.

"Hey, Adrian, you okay?" He said, nudging me as I stood in the kitchen.

"Huh? Oh yea just...thinking." I stared at the floor but I could feel his smirk.

"It's about the Capscicle, isn't it? My head shot up as he said that.

"H-how did you know?" He let out a laugh.

"Are you kidding me? Friday tells me when someone is setting up my baby sister with a grandpa in my very own tower!" He said as he patted my back.

"And you're not gonna kill me or him?" I asked, carefully saying my words in case he blows up.

"Well as long as he doesn't hurt you or...how do I put this in a way a little person would understand..." He thought for second and his head perked up. "As long as you two don't fondue, I'm okay!" He said, holding in his laughter. I smiled and nearly tackled him with a hug.

"Oh my gosh I can't believe this! Do you know how long I've been waiting for something like this?" I squealed as I dashed off to find Wanda. I almost made it to the hall where all the rooms are when i turned the corner and ran into a wall. I fell down and looked up, only to find out it wasn't a wall.

"Sorry, didn't think to check for a speeding bullet in the building." Steve said as he helped me up. I tried to look into his eyes, but I couldn't help it when my eyes wandered down to his bare chest.

"S-sorry." I said, as I looked back up into his eyes.

"I just got out of the shower, in case you're wondering why i'm only wearing boxers." he said, flashing his smile, causing my to smile back.

"Hey, i just wanted to let you know that you can pick me up tomorrow at 6." I said, smiling up at him. His eyebrows furrowed.

"What? Where am I taking you?" He said, his cheeks were getting a tad red with blush. I stood on my tip toes and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"Surprise me." I said and ran off to go find Wanda.

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