Pain || Bucky Barnes

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You had been ever so lucky to land a job at the Avengers HQ. Tony Stark decided to put you as the Avenger's personal nurse. Physical and Mental. You had majored in nursing and minored in psychology. Tony had explained that you'd work with the Avengers when they got back from missions to take care of wounds and if anyone was traumatized.

So far, it was really nice. Nat and Wanda had taken a liking to you, since you were another girl, and Cap and you seemed to have an understanding of the 80s music being pretty awesome.

It had been almost a day since the team left on a mission. Tony had called in saying that they were on their way back. You got into your scrubs, prepared the room, and waited. You were in the middle of ordering a pizza when Pietro sped in.

"Hey Road Runner," you said, setting down your laptop. "What's wrong?" You asked when you noticed the look on his face.

"Just.. Get ready". He said and sped away. You were confused until a few moments later. Sam and Steve barged in, a man thrashing around in their arms.

"Get the chair ready!" Steve called to you. You quickly nodded and were followed by them into your nursing room. They forced the man into the chair and some restraints went on his arms and legs.

"What is he shouting?" You asked Steve as he stood, looking a bit dumb founded.

"I think it's... Russian." He said. You glanced at Sam and he shrugged.

"Okay, Cap, you gotta tell me what happened." You said, lighting touching his arm. He looked away from the thrashing man and to you.

"We were fighting some Hydra agents and they sent him out. We all fought for a while and then his mask flew off." He said, his eyes drifting towards the man. "That's my only friend from the war, Bucky." Your eyes widened as you looked over at the man. He seemed to have calmed down now, accepting that he couldn't escape that easily.

"Oh my." You breathed.

"Worst part is: he's lost his memory. It's like they brain washed him." He said, walking closer to Bucky. The closer he got, the more Buck thrashed about. Then Tony walked in.

"Aspen." Your head turned at the sound of your name being called. "You need to work with him until he's not as hostile." You gave him an 'are you serious' look.

"Me? Try and work with this man? He could kill me at any given moment!" You whisper yelled at him.

"Look. There's no way Capsickle is going to let us punish this guy in any way. Our only option is to get him on the team. We need you to work with him and see if you can help restore his memory." You groaned and looked back at the man. He had fallen asleep in the chair.


It had been about a month since you started working with Bucky and you'd gotten him to say one word to you: "Hello." The rest of the conversation was you asking questions and him shaking or nodding his head.

"Hey Buck." You walked in to his room with a tray of food. Shield had decided to keep him in his own room, no restraints. But he was monitored in case. He had gotten a lot calmer, as well. You discovered he had a metal arm and he didn't like it. He kept it covered up.

He nodded towards you as you sat on his bed. He came and sat next to you, keeping his distance.

"Okay, Bucky," you said, pulling out your clipboard to see how well it went two days ago. You talked with him every other day. Last time he had said his first word since you had seen him. You were hoping it wouldn't be the last. "Do you think you'd be up for talking a little more today?" You said, trying to sound soothing but not annoying. Bucky shrugged. "Maybe you could answer that with some words? Even if it's just one." You asked, keeping a smile on your face.

"Maybe." He said, his voice was low and gruff, just like the last time he spoke. You gave him a big smile, even if he didn't look at you.

"Very good, Bucky!" You said, excited and scribbled some things in your notebook. "Okay. How about your memory? Do you remember anything since the last time we talked? Anything at all?" You said, trying to catch his eyes as he stared intently at the ground.

"Stark." He said. You froze. Tony Stark? How could he know Tony Stark?

"What about Mr. Stark?" You questioned, a little nervous for the answer.

"He made a flying car." He said, quietly. That's when it hit you. Howard Stark.

"Very interesting, Buck. Do you remember anything else?" You said as you wrote down the little bit of information. He shook his head an you nodded. "Alright let's move on to the next thing. How have you been feeling? Want to talk about anything?" You asked, getting ready to leave. Little did you know the flood gates were opening.

"Pain." He said. "I feel pain." You looked at him and scooted closer.

"Would you like to explain what kind of pain? Is it your arm?" You said, starting to reach out and touch his metal arm. He snapped and stood up and started talking louder.

"No. It's not my arm. It's my head. All these people remember me and I don't remember them at all! What do you think it's like to have these sessions with you? I know you want me to say something and I keep trying to figure it out but I can't! I just can't remember! Hell, there's a guy out there who says we were best friends back at the war! And no matter how hard I try I just can't remember him!" He yelled as tears of anger rushed down his cheeks. You sat there, mouth agape and eyes wide. This was the most you'd ever talk and he had just poured his heart out to you.

What were you supposed to do? You did what no one would've thought of: you hugged him.

He was stiff at first. He almost threw you off of him it was so sudden. But when he realized that you were doing, he slowly relaxed. He put his arms around you and sobbed onto your shoulder.

Finally he had someone who cared about him. He finally knew he could trust someone. And from then on, your sessions got better and better. You read up on the internet that plumbs help restore memory, so you had been giving him them and he had been remembering a lot more things. He remembered Steve and that was a good day for everyone.

And slowly, Bucky forgot all about his pain.

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